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IPNI - The starting point for global plant information

The Plant Names Project is a consortium of the Harvard University Herbaria, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Australian National Herbarium

The goal of the Plant Names Project is to compile and maintain a comprehensive literature based record of the scientific names of all vascular plants and to make it freely available on the Internet as the International Plant Names Index.

To do this, International Plant Names Index will:

  • Be shared and collaborative in content and operation.

  • Be made available on the internet without charge.

  • Seek input and contributions from the botanical community.

  • Encourage additional institutional partners to act as hosts for the database

  • Be nomenclatural in focus.

  • Be bibliographic and based on primary literature references.

  • Differentiate published and interpreted information

  • Include consensus assignments of families and genera, and allow a range of alternative views

  • Use an open architecture and community standards for structure and data

  • Provide data gateways that can be used by other database applications

  • Facilitate links to data managed by other database applications


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