Integrated pest management resources for Michigan Michigan State University home IPM Michigan home


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Contact information

Questions about this web site
The IPM Resources web site is maintained by Joy Landis and Andrea Buchholz. Please send comments about this site to and include in your message the web address that is related to your comments.

Questions about specific insects, plant diseases and other plant problems
MSU Diagnostic Services will answer email about specific insect or plant disease problems.
Insect questions -
Disease questions -
Nematode questions -
Weeds or herbicide injury -

Michigan residents also have staff at their county MSU Extension office trained to answer many questions about crops and growing plants. Please note if you are not located in Michigan, you may want to contact your local Extension Service. Climate, laws and regulations, as well as pest management practices vary throughout the United States.

Copyright and linking information

The information in this web site is the property of Michigan State University (MSU). The University holds all copyright interests unless specifically indicated. Permission to reprint is given with credit to the respective MSU program and noted authors (See below for correct reference for our Crop Advisory Team Alert newsletters.)

While we aim for accuracy in the information provided; the information may change without notice and is not guaranteed to be current. The web site content is designed to meet the needs of Michigan's citizens. We do not guarantee that information on these web pages is suitable for use in other states or countries. In particular, pesticide registrations vary from state to state and a legal use in Michigan may not be legal elsewhere.

Linking information
Organizations and individuals are free to provide a link to this site from their web pages without prior permission. A note of intent sent to is appreciated.

How to credit articles reprinted from the Crop Advisory Team Alert newsletters
Please list the author's name and department (if given), the title of the publication (e.g. MSU Fruit Crop Advisory Team Alert newsletter) and the publication date. Contacting the author as a courtesy is appreciated and will give them opportunity to offer updated information.

MSU is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity institution. The Michigan State University IPM Program's materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by IPM or MSU Extension, or bias against those not mentioned.

The MSU IPM Program maintains this site as an access point to pest management information at MSU. The IPM Program is administered within the Department of Entomology, fueled by research from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, delivered to citizens through MSU Extension, and proud to be a part of Project GREEEN.
the web developer.
Updated 01/16/08