United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Conservation Security Program

General Program Information | Sign-Up and Eligibility Information | Program Contacts | News Releases and Features

General Program Information

CSP graphicThe Conservation Security Program (CSP) is a voluntary stewardship program that provides financial and technical assistance to promote the conservation and improvement of soil, water, air, energy, plant and animal life, and other conservation purposes on Tribal and private working lands. Working lands include cropland, grassland, prairie land, improved pasture, and range land, as well as forested land that is an incidental part of an agriculture operation.

CSP recognizes the efforts of farmers who have been practicing conservation and taking care of the land for some time. By meeting specific eligibility criteria, farmers may apply for payments on productive land at several levels. Payments increase with the amount of conservation work that has been done.

Farms located in selected watersheds will be eligible to apply for CSP. The program will continue to be offered each year, on a rotational basis, in as many watersheds as funding allows.

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader.
CSP national brochure
CSP Fact Sheet (50.14 KB)
CSP Key Points (63.07 KB)

Sign-Up and Eligibility Information

CSP Self-Assessment Workbook

By going through the CSP Self-Assessment Workbook, potential CSP participants will get a good idea about whether they are eligible for CSP at this time. Producers who may not be eligible can find out about programs that can help them achieve a higher level of conservation so that they may apply for CSP in the future.

Adobe Acrobat Document2008 Self Assessment Workbook - Connecticut River Watershed (2.5 mb)
Adobe Acrobat Document2008 Self-Assessment Workbook - Narragansett Bay Watershed  (2.65 mb)

Program Contact

Massachusetts CSP Coordinator
Barbara Miller
State Resource Conservationist

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