Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association

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PCFMA's Educational Efforts:

The Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association collaborates with other community organizations and partners to offer educational programs throughout the Bay Area on issues of nutrition and sustainable agriculture. Through these programs, PCFMA reaches out to youth and adults, consumers and producers, to promote healthy eating and to build awareness of the importance of supporting California's small family farms.

Market Thymes Newsletter:

So Many Choices

This is a wonderful season for vegetables, so check out the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market on Court and Main this Thursday and dazzle yourself with the countless choices of vegetables for your table.  Actually, a bowlful of tomatoes, squash, broccoli and cauliflower piled into a sieve and garnished with parsley and spears of green onions would make a fabulous centerpiece.  But even better than that, bring ‘em home and feed your family the best of the season’s produce.


Recent Market Thymes Newsletters

Celebrate California Agriculture!

March 20th marks the first day of spring, 2008, and is also National Ag Day. Falling during National Ag Week, March 16th through the 22nd, it is a time when farmers, ranchers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture.  

Posted: March 20, 2008

Perfect Pears
Perfect Pears fresh from the farmers’ market– a sure sign that Fall is here. Along with apples, winter squash, grapes, persimmons, pumpkins, and more, the humble, yet elegantly simple pear appears each season.
Posted: October 1, 2007

The appearance of asparagus at your local farmers’ market is a sure sign that Spring has arrived. Nature has been kind to the asparagus crop this year and growers have an abundant supply for your eating enjoyment. Fresh California asparagus is available at your farmers’ market from mid-February through May, delivering that sweet, earthy, herbaceous taste that is associated with the arrival of spring. Enjoy some today!
Posted: April 1, 2007

It's All About Citrus
“Come to California. The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting, and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see.”
From: “L.A. Confidential,” Warner Bros., 1997.
Posted: January 1, 2007

Educational Resources:

Eating Fresh, Local, Healthy and Well

PCFMA believes that shopping at your local farmers' market can be a great way to eat healthy and eat well. The fresh fruits and vegetables available at farmers' markets - brought to you by the very farmers that planted, nurtured and harvested the crops - can be the foundation of a healthy diet for people of all ages. Check out our nutrition pages for more information on healthy eating.

Protecting the Future of Farming

Farming is the one of the oldest industries in California, and one of those that is most at risk. Multiple factors including suburban sprawl, changing laws and shifting consumer demands threaten to make it more difficult for farms and farmers to continue to provide us with a safe, reliable and high quality food source. PCFMA is devoted to sustaining farming in California and to promoting sustainable agriculture - a system of farming that is good for the farm, good for the environment, and good for the farm community. Check out our sustainable agriculture pages for more information on sustainable agriculture and local farming.

Supporting Young Consumers

PCFMA is committed to helping to educate young children about healthy eating and sustainable agriculture so that they can be prepared to make healthy decisions about what they choose to eat. Through partnerships with local community organizations, PCFMA sponsors children's activities in its farmers' markets, at community events and offers educational tools through this website. Check out our kid's pages for more information.

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