United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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2005 Excellence in Conservation Award

Purpose of the Excellence in Conservation Awards Program

To recognize the valuable contributions that those outside of the Federal government make to conserve natural resources on private land.

Eligibility of Nominees

Any non-federal individual, group, tribe or organization is eligible for nomination by a Natural Resources Conservation Service employee.

Award Criteria

The nomination must clearly and concisely describe the significant contribution(s) made by the nominee (and any results or benefits achieved) in such areas as:

  • Communications,
  • Program Delivery,
  • Technology Transfer,
  • Outreach, or
  • Any combination of the above.

Each nomination must be no more than one double-spaced 8½” by 11” page, accompanied by the nomination coversheet.

Nominations are limited to one per State Office and National Headquarters’ Deputy Areas.

Standardization of forms and print fonts are required for the impartial review and benefit of the evaluation committee. All nominations must be submitted with an original and six copies, using a font size no smaller than Times New Roman 12-point.

All nominations should clearly explain why the nominee deserves special recognition. Recognition must be for contributions made (or results realized) within the last year. State Conservationists and Regional Assistant Chiefs must concur with State Office nominations.

Division Directors and Deputy Chiefs must concur with National Headquarters nominations.

Award Selection and Presentation

One award will be presented annually.

An Evaluation Committee, rotated annually, consisting of five to six representatives from the Chief’s Staff and Deputy Chief Areas will recommend the winner to the Chief for approval.

The winner will receive an impressive handcrafted crystal etched glacier award on a wood base to acknowledge their contributions to conservation.

The award will be presented in conjunction with the Earth Day celebration to be held on April 22, 2005, at the designated site of the award winner.

Submission of Nominations

Nominations must have the appropriate signature approvals, and will not be considered without them.

Nominations must be received by the Human Resources Management Division ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 31, 2005. Nominations should be submitted to Elwander Syrkes at:

USDA, NRCS, Human Resources Management Division

attn: Elwander Syrkes
14th & Independence Avenue, SW
Room 6213-S
Washington, D.C. 20250

Award application form requires Microsoft Word.

microsoft word NRCS Excellence in Conservation Award form