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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Studies Archive

SNAP Program Integrity

An Assessment of Computer Matching in the Food Stamp Program - January 2002

The Extent of Trafficking in the Food Stamp Program: An Update - March 2000

Use of Biometric Identification Technology to Reduce Fraud in the Food Stamp Program - December 1999

Introduction to Biometric Identification Technology: Capabilities and Applications to the Food Stamp Program - December 1999

Options for a National Database to Track Participation in Federal Means-Tested Public Assistance Programs: Report to Congress - November 1999

Feasibility Study of Capturing Food Data at Checkout - August 1999

Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Targeting Demonstration: Summary of Findings - March 2000

For more reports, visit the archives.

Last modified: 12/04/2008