United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Mississippi NRCS Partnerships

The National Conservation Partnership

The National Conservation Partnership is the dynamic relationship between federal, state, and nonprofit groups that have pledged to jointly provide national conservation leadership.

The Partnership was formalized in January 1993 when three conservation leaders signed a national agreement, pledging to work together for natural resource conservation. A fourth partner was added in 1997.

Independently, Partnership members have separate responsibilities for sustaining the environment and conserving the nation's natural resources. As partners in conservation, they speak with a unified voice and act to realize a common vision: A productive nation in harmony with a quality environment.

The National Conservation Partnership commitment involves:

  • Listening and responding to customers' local resource conservation needs;
  • Fostering economically viable environmental policies;
  • Advocating a total natural resources approach to conservation;
  • Maintaining and advocating grass roots conservation delivery systems.

Our Partners

Conservation Districts
Local communities
State and federal agencies
NRCS Earth Team volunteers
Agricultural and environmental groups
Take Pride in Mississippi
Professional societies
RC&D councils
Conservation organizations
Soil & Water Conservation Society

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"Last Modified: 06/27/2008"