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Educational Materials: Detailed Descriptions

Second Edition!
Pests of the Garden and Small Farm:
A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide

Publication 3332 - 286 pages - $35.00

List of contents
How to order

Photo of the book, Pests of the Garden and Small Farm; A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide.

This convenient handbook for home gardeners and small-scale farmers covers insects, mites, plant diseases, nematodes, and weeds of fruit and nut trees and vegetables. Individual sections describe the biology, identification, and control of 95 common pests. Symptom-identification tables organized by crop refer you to relevant pages. The IPM approach makes minimal use of broad-spectrum pesticides; recommended methods rely primarily on organically acceptable alternatives.

New in the Second Edition
This edition, completely reviewed and substantially revised since the publication of the first edition in 1990, includes:

  • input from scientists, horticultural advisors, and Master Gardeners throughout California and beyond
  • new management practices for dozens of pests with much more emphasis on biological control agents and use of environmentally benign pesticides, such as insecticidal oils
  • cultural practices such as solarization, disease suppressive composts, and mulches
  • updated discussions and lists of pests controlled through solarization, candidate insectary plants, commercially available biological control agents, and organically acceptable pesticides
  • New pests and management practices added to almost all of the 30 crop tables in the back of the book

Outstanding Photos
More than 250 color photographs and 118 drawings will help you identify and manage scores of pest problems, including insects, mites, other arthropods, snails and slugs, diseases, nematodes, and weeds. Important natural enemies of pest insects and mites are also covered.

Extensive and Authoritative
This practical guide draws on the experience and knowledge of more than 50 experts from the University of California and beyond.

Special Crop Tables
The last section of the book, Crop Tables, lists common pest problems in 30 fruit, nut, and vegetable crops, and directs the reader back to relevant chapters of the book. Vegetable crops include artichokes, asparagus, beans, carrots, cole crops, cucurbit crops, lettuce, onions, garlic, peas, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, radishes, spinach, sweet corn, tomatoes, and turnips. Nut crops feature almonds and walnuts, and fruit crops include apples, apricots, avocado, blackberries, raspberries, other caneberries, cherries, citrus, figs, grapes, peaches, nectarines, pears, plums, prunes, and strawberries.

Clear, Succinct Language

"Written in clear, succinct language with a minimum of technical terms..."
—Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America

Pests of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide, Second Edition

List of Contents


Designing a Pest Management Program
Crop Development in Relation to Pest Management (Development of Vegetable Crops  *  Development of Fruit and Nut Trees)
Components of a Successful Pest Management Program
General Management Practices (Soils and Nutrition  *  Water Management  *  Sanitation  *  Resistant Varieties  *  Crop Rotation  *  Soil Solarization  *  Reflective Mulches  *  Plant Cages, Row Covers, and Other Pest Barriers  *  Intercropping, Companion Planting, and Cover Crops  *  Biological Control  *  Pesticides)

Common Insects, Mites, Other Arthropods, and Snails and Slugs
Life Cycles
Monitoring and Diagnosing Problems
Management Methods (Biological Control  *  Pesticides)
Leaf- and Fruit-Feeding Caterpillars
Caterpillars Affecting Fruit and Nut Trees (Codling Moth  *  Navel Orangeworm  *  Orange Tortrix  *  Fruittree Leafroller  *  Omnivorous Leafroller  *  Redhumped Caterpillar  *  Western Tussock Moth  *  Green Fruitworm  *  Peach Twig Borer  *  Oriental Fruit Moth)
Common Caterpillar Pests in Vegetable Gardens (Armyworms  *  Loopers  *  Imported Cabbageworm  *  Hornworms  *  Saltmarsh Caterpillar  *  Corn Earworm  *  Tomato Pinworm  *  Potato Tuberworm  *  Garden Webworm  *  Cutworms)
Borers (Peachtree Borer  *  Pacific Flatheaded Borer  *  Shothole Borer)
Leaf- and Fruit-Feeding Beetles (Flea Beetles  *  Wireworms  *  False Wireworm  *  Darkling Beetles  *  Cucumber Beetles  *  Vegetable Weevil  *  Green Fruit Beetle)
Stink Bugs, Lygus Bugs, and Other True Bugs (Stink Bugs  *  Lygus Bugs  *  Squash Bugs)
Scale Insects (San Jose Scale  *  Walnut Scale  *  California Red Scale  *  Oystershell Scale  *  Brown Soft Scale  *  Citricola Scale  *  Black Scale  *  European Fruit Lecanium  *  Calico Scale  *  Frosted Scale  *  Cottony Cushion Scale)
Mites (Webspinning Spider Mites  *  Red Mites  *  Brown Mite  *  Blister, Rust, and Bud Mites  *  Cyclamen Mite)
Other Arthropods (Leafminers  *  Thrips  *  Maggots on Vegetable Crops  *  Earwigs  *  Sowbugs  *  Crickets  *  Grasshoppers  *  Garden Symphylans  *  Ants)
Snails and Slugs

Types of Pathogens
Monitoring and Diagnosing Diseases
Disease Management
Damping-off, Seed and Seedling Decay
Powdery Mildew
Downy Mildew
Brown Rot of Stone Fruit
Phytophthora Brown Rot of Citrus
Gray Mold and Bunch Rot
White Mold
Common Smut of Corn
Bacterial Soft Rots of Vegetables
Shot Hole
Leaf Curl
Bacterial Canker and Blast
Apple Scab
Pear Scab
Vascular Wilts
Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot
Armillaria Root Rot
Crown Gall

Root Knot Nematodes--The Most Common Problem
Less Common Root-Feeding Nematodes
Nematodes Attacking Aboveground Plant Parts
Complexities of the Small Farm and Garden
Symptoms and Damage
Life Cycle

Types of Weeds
Weed Management (Methods  *  Exclusion  *  Rotation  *  Solarization  *  Handweeding and Hoeing  *  Machine Tillage  *  Mulching  *  Biological Control  *  Herbicides)
Weed Management When Planting and Transplanting Vegetables
Managing Weeds Around Backyard Fruit Trees
Managing Weeds in Orchard
Special Weed Problems (Pigweeds  *  Purslane  *  Sowthistles  *  Barnyardgrass  *  Large Crabgrass  *  Bermudagrass  *  Nutsedges  *  Field Bindweed)

Crop Tables
Vegetable Crops (General Pests Attacking Seedlings of Many Vegetable Crops  *  Artichokes  *  Asparagus  *  Beans  *  Carrots  *  Cole Crops  *  Cucurbit Crops  *  Lettuce  *  Onions and Garlic  *  Peas  *  Peppers and Eggplants  *  Potatoes  *  Radishes  *  Spinach  *  Sweet Corn  *  Tomatoes  *  Turnips)
Fruit Crops (Almonds  *  Apples  *  Apricots  *  Avocado  *  Blackberries, Raspberries, and Other Caneberries  *  Cherries  *  Citrus  *  Figs  *  Grapes  *  Peaches and Nectarines  *  Pears  *  Plums and Prunes  *  Strawberries  *  Walnuts)
Using Degree-Days for Predicting Growth and Development of Crops and Invertebrate Pests




How to Order

Pests of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide
Second Edition
Publication 3332 - Published 1998
$35.00 - 286 pages - ISBN 1-879906-40-6

This publication is available from the UC ANR Communication Services catalog. It is also available by mail; by telephone; at the ANR sales office in Oakland; and at many of the UC County Cooperative Extension offices. For more information, see "How to Order Publications."

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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