Pacific Coast Farmers' Market Association

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Your Guide to Latin Produce

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Pear-shaped; the skin ranges from light green to black, depending on the variety and ripeness. The flesh is green and the fruit has a large inedible pit in the center.Available year-round. Has a buttery, smooth taste.


A heart-shaped, pinecone sized fruit with a shingled pale green skin. Called the “tree of ice cream”, the taste is a blend of pineapple, mango, banana and strawberry.


A member of the carrot family. Dark-green, aromatic leaves. A fragrant mix of parsley and citrus. Available year-round.

Ancho Pepper

Heart-shaped, slightly squat, 3-4 inches long. The dried ancho is a poblano chile and measures about 4-5 inches long. It is dark burgundy and has a sweet, plum-like flavor. Heat level 1,000—3000 Scoville units.

Anaheim Chile

A large, mild pepper, about 6 inches long. The younger version is green and the mature pepper is red and sweeter. It has a thick, easy to peel skin. Available year-round. 500-100 Scoville units.


Round, apple-shaped tuber covered with a thin, brown skin. Raw jicama is sweet, juicy and crisp. Cooked lightly it becomes milder but retains its crispness, like a water chestnut. Available year-round.


Small, oval citrus fruit with glossy, smooth skin. Color ranges from light to medium green. Limes and lemons look similar but limes are green when ripe.


Size and shape of a pear. Mild taste like zucchini with a citrus tang. Choose chayote that are firm and free of blemishes. Available year-round.


Smooth skinned, bright to dark green. 2 inches long, 1-2 inches in diameter. Rich in flavor with a fiery heat. 3000-6000 Scoville units.

Sweet Potato

A large, tuberous root with a brown outer skin and orange flesh. High sugar content. Harvested in the fall.


A small green fruit, similar to a tomato, with a paper-like husk. When ripe, the husk is brown and fresh-looking, not shriveled or dried. Has a tart, lemony flavor. Harvested in summer.

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