United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Wisconsin NRCS Outreach Efforts

Outreach for NRCS Program Delivery means making special efforts to reach out to people who are not our traditional customers. Emphasis is placed on reaching specific groups because we know that they have been historically underserved.  Our traditional approaches in providing assistance have not been successful, so we need to try new and innovative methods with these audiences.

Effective outreach requires flexible approaches; listening first and then matching your message to the listener.  It means communicating in new ways to new audiences to get our message to customers who are culturally and racially diverse, urban and rural.  Success is determined by the relationships that are developed, not necessarily the widgets that are produced.

Who is Responsible?  One of the Agency’s priorities is to ensure fair and equitable delivery of programs and services. Outreach to all customers and potential customers continues to be an important responsibility of every NRCS employee.

Outreach activities should be planned and captured in the annual business plan so that staff know what accomplishments are expected during the year.  Every service center is required to have an annual business plan which includes outreach action items. 

The goal of outreach activities is to ensure that the programs and services are equitable and made accessible to all.  Successful program outreach will not only enhance the lives and livelihood of these customers, it will benefit Wisconsin’s natural resources.

Renae Anderson, Public Affairs Specialist
State Outreach Coordinator, 608-662-4422 x 227

Wisconsin Population and Demographics (pdf files)
     *Wisconsin Ag Census - Farm Owner/Operator Demographics by County, 2002  excel file

       Hmong Population and Mutual Associations in Wisconsin (map)

     *Hmong and Asian Population and Demographics in Wisconsin

     *Hispanic Population and Demographics in Wisconsin

      Report on Wisconsin's Racial and Ethnic Diversity (UWEX Applied Population Lab) 

*(data includes statistical projections based on survey responses)


Wisconsin Outreach Success Stories


Selected Publications of special interest from
the NRCS Social Sciences Institute

    Conservation Barriers: Executive Summary
    Working With Hispanic and Asian Limited Resource Farmers
    Sociological Aspects of Conservation Adoption
    Women in Agriculture
    Working with Historically Underserved Groups
    Key Outreach Concepts
    Developing a Social Profile
    Gaining Trust With Small Farmers
    Barriers and Strategies for Small Scale Producers
    Social/Professional Skills to be Effective with Different Cultures
    Guidebook for Reaching out to Minority Farmers
    Evaluation of Needs of Tribal Governments in the Midwest

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