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Non-Title V Operating Permit Fees

Who is covered?

This permit program covers sources in Illinois that are required by our federally approved State Implementation Plan to have operating permits but are not large enough to be required to obtain a permit under Title V of the federal Clean Air Act, known as the "Clean Air Act Permit Program" or "CAAPP" permit.

This fee impacts approximately 5,985 sources that have State air operating permits. Approximately 5,300 of these sources currently pay the minimum fee of $200. These sources typically include concrete batch plants, quarries, drycleaners, grain elevators and small printing and coating operations.

What is the fee?

The legislation sets the site fees based on the amount of emissions of any combination of regulated air pollutants as indicated below:

Allowable Emissions/Year Fee
< 25 tons $200
25 tons to <100 tons $1,800
100 tons or more $18/ton, $3,500 maximum

What about portable emission units?

The owners or operators of a portable emission unit (e.g., an emission unit on a chassis or skids and designed to be moveable, like a concrete mixing unit), as defined in the regulations of the Pollution Control Board at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 201.170, are not required to pay an additional site fee each time the unit is moved.

Special provisions for "avoided" permit fees

If an owner or operator of a site was required, but failed, to timely obtain an air pollution operating permit, and as a result avoided the payment of site fees, the Agency will collect double the amount that would have been owed had a permit been timely obtained.

Special provisions if fees are not paid

The Agency may revoke a permit for failure to pay the site fees.

Is a state operating permit fee form available on-line?

Yes. Permit forms are available from our state permit forms web page.

Who do I contact with questions?

Additional information or assistance is available by contacting the Permit Section at 217-782-2113.


Combined List


Non-Title V Operating
Clean Air Title V


Tire Sales
Waste Manifests
Hazardous Waste
Landfill Tipping
Potentially Infectious Medical Waste


Water Main
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Industrial Wastewater Sources
Water Quality Certification
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