How to Unclog Drains Without Chemicals

(Page 5 of 5)

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The second reason is the issue of sewage overload. Whether your house is hooked up to a septic system or a municipal sanitary sewer, the added strain of the organic matter from a garbage disposal really adds up. All that extra material was never meant to be dealt with in wastewater.

And third, sending chopped food waste down the drain increases the odds your pipes will become clogged!

The Truth about Septic Tank Additives

Every so often I get a phone call from a friendly telemarketer offering an additive that promises to save money by eliminating the need to have my septic system pumped out. There are many similar products that promise wonderful, hidden benefits for the microbes living in a septic system, too. In all cases, I smile and say, “No, thanks.” I know how a septic system works, and no additive is going to improve things or rectify problems.

Your septic system is nothing but a tank connected to perforated pipes buried in the ground. As long as normal sewage goes in and the effluent is free to drain out of the perforations in the pipes, your septic system will work just fine. Regular pump-outs are necessary because a small portion of sewage entering the tank is always indigestible. As it settles to the bottom of the tank in the form of sludge, it slowly reduces tank capacity. This is the reason septic systems need to be pumped out every two or three years. No additive can make insoluble things soluble, and it’ll lead to trouble if you think otherwise. If you follow the advice of the folks who tell you that pump-outs can be eliminated, you’ll have sludge washing into your perforated pipes, clogging them and ruining your septic system’s drain field.

Steve Maxwell is tough on clogs, but has a reputation as an extremely nice guy.

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  • tnaylort 10/30/2008 1:59:25 PM

    Thanks for the advice about additives. I just finished reading somewhere else that they were a good idea.

    I tried the baking soda/vinegar solution but ended up having to remove "the trap" ( Ah, the joys of being a first time home owner! Long story, but I found out my last tub was painted when the landlord used a snake and scratched the finish off. I didn't know people did that until that happened.

  • larry 10/17/2008 11:50:57 PM

    I recently cleared my bathroom drains with a wet/dry shop vac. I got an apple sized glob of hair out. I'm not sure how your particular foot press works but many just unscrew counterclockwise. Your clog may even just be on the bottom of that drain cover and you might get it with your fingers once the cover is off.

  • Jim Strotman 10/16/2008 12:14:12 PM

    30% Hydrogen Peroxide with a glug of baking soda is my first action which in most cases does the job. It's explosive so stand back. I do that at bed time and in the morning, my drains are as clear as a drunks throat. And it's cheap, clean, and no trouble.

  • tony 2/12/2008 7:48:12 PM

    you would not believe the amount of hair caught ina drain,
    especially if you have daughters! Make yourself a little hook out
    of soft wire and fish the hair out of the shower drain, same in the
    outside drain next to the wall of the house. Liquids never block
    drains - it's the solids like fats and hair that do the

  • Joe 1/6/2008 5:14:23 AM

    Trying to unclog my tub. Use a snake through the overflow and
    removed a large glob of hair but still a slow drain. Plunger did
    not work at the foot press open and close drain. However water
    poured down the overflow doesn't back up! Gonna try the wet/dry vac
    at the drain. How do i remove the foot press drain cover to get at
    the clog?

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