United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Recognizing the Importance of Pollinators

In the United States one third of all agricultural output depends on pollinators. Fruit and vegetable growers in New Jersey can attest to the significant role pollinators play in the production of many of our crops. Promoting pollinators' habitat on and near the farm benefits everyone who likes to eat!

Odd areas and idle fields on farms can be used to create habitat for pollinators, such as the wildflower meadow pictured here, established near a hedgerow on a Hunterdon County farm.

honey bee on beach plum flowerThrough the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, in New Jersey offers landowners technical and financial assistance for restoring habitat for pollinators in the “early successional habitat” provision. Contact your local NRCS Office for more information about these programs.

National Pollinator Week
June 22-28, 2008, was designated National Pollinator Week. Visit the Pollinator Partnership website for more information.

More About Pollinatorss

NJ Biology Technical Note
This document requires Adobe Acrobat.
NJ BIOLOGY TECHNICAL NOTE: Habitat Development for Pollinators (102 kb) - NRCS NJ Technical Note provides information and references on the issue of pollinators

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Last Modified: July 09, 2008