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Upcoming Events

Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Regional Cross-Program Meeting

Working Together to Meet the Mission

July 24-25, 2008
Radisson Plaza Warwick Hotel
Philadelphia, PA

This conference will highlight SNAP collaborations and initiatives in many of the Food and Nutrition Service programs. Conference format includes rotating information sessions, sharing opportunities and exhibits. Featured speakers include Dr. Brian Wansink, Executive Director of the Center for Policy and Promotion and the author of Mindless Eating, and Dr. Rebecca Mullis of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia.

For more information, to register and/or to reserve a hotel room at the Radisson click here.

Meeting Highlights

Western Regional Cross-Program Meeting Highlights

Learn how the Western Regional Office of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) helped State and local nutrition educators strengthen their collaboration skills at a cross-program nutrition education meeting in Sacramento, California on January 24-25, 2008.

Southwest Regional Cross-Program Meeting Highlights

Over 100 people attended this April 2007 cross-program nutrition education meeting on Investing in Partnerships, Maximizing Results. Under Secretary Nancy Montanez Johner provided opening remarks.

Midwest Regional Cross-Program Meeting Highlights

Learn how the Midwest Regional Office of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service encouraged States to raise collaborative efforts to a new level at a cross-program nutrition education meeting in Chicago, Illinois on July 27, 2007.

Mountain Plains Regional Cross-Program Meeting Highlights

Learn how the Mountain Plains Regional Office of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) energized collaborative efforts across the region at a cross-program nutrition education meeting in Denver, Colorado on May 16, 2006.


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Last Updated: 07/17/2008