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State Nutrition Action Plans

SNAP Tips for Collaboration


Define and agree on a shared vision and mission to generate the commitment of stakeholders and provide the measure of outcome. Creating a sense of common purpose binds people together and inspires stakeholders to internalize the collaborative efforts. This is the single most important step of any successful collaboration.

Identification of Stakeholders

Choose a diverse group of stakeholders. Clearly define roles and responsibilities. Honor the unique gifts and talents of each person, group, and organization to provide the critical balance necessary for collaboration. A history of cooperation, competition and/or conflict among stakeholders should be taken into account and addressed with team-building or conflict resolution exercises if necessary. The contribution of human capital through the investment of time, expertise and energy is the most valuable resource to collaboration and achieving the shared outcome.

Criteria for Stakeholder Representation

Identify the negotiables and non-negotiables among stakeholders early in the process. Be aware of the context of the group and any changes to keep the collaboration on track. Utilize facilitators when appropriate to guide meetings and ensure that all stakeholders are heard. Remember that the process of evaluation and assessment are ongoing and it may be necessary to revisit the mission and goal statements periodically to renew group momentum.


Recognize that it takes time to build relationships and cohesiveness but these will help the group face challenges ahead. Successful collaboration requires a high level of trust that members value the common purpose; commitment to assigned tasks; positive communication skills; and have a mechanism for making decisions. The development of a clear leadership structure and channels of communication are essential to collaboration. Cultivate an atmosphere for the healthy exchange of ideas and confrontation that is non-threatening and unemotional. It is important to recognize that the process of collaboration and the effectiveness of leaders will not only impact the outcome but will also influence participant satisfaction and willingness to collaborate in the future.


Develop an action plan complete with a realistic workload measurable benchmarks and timelines. Establish clearly defined outcome and process measures. Articulate clear objectives and identify any barriers to progress. Positive outcomes result from the behavior and actions of people, groups, and organizations and are generated based on the shared purpose of the group and the respect for the negotiables and non-negotiables. Remember…it is always beneficial to evaluate the outcome and share lessons learned.

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Last Updated: 12/04/2008