United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Technical Resources - Vermont NRCS

Vermont Grazing Jerseys Vermont Grazing Jerseys


Agronomy related resources available from the national NRCS agronomy website.



Biology related resources available from the national NRCS Biology website.


Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning

MS Word Templates from VT NRCS and other information related to CNMP planning.


Conservation Planning Information

This page includes links to available conservation planning training, tools, policies and guidance.  If you are interested in working with Vermont NRCS to develop a conservation plan for your property, you should begin by completing the Conservation Planning Questionnaire (PDF; 268 KB). This document requires Adobe Acrobat.  It is intended to assist you and the conservation planner gather the preliminary information necessary to begin formulation of a conservation plan. If you are interested in working with Vermont NRCS to create a plan, complete as many of the following questions which are applicable to your land or farm operation, as possible.  Completion of the questionnaire gets you started on the conservation planning process.  After completing the questionnaire, contact your local USDA Service Center NRCS office.  Ask for a conservation planner to help you with the remaining steps of the planning process toward completion of your conservation plan.


Conservation Practice Information

Information related to planning or implementing conservation practices including: Practice Standards, Practice Job Sheets. 


Cost Data

Average cost information for conservation practice components (component costs).


Cost Data, Practice Payment Schedule Scenarios

Typical Vermont conservation practice installation scenarios and associated costs.


Customer Service Toolkit

Information pertaining to the use of the NRCS conservation planning tool.  Included on this page are specific Vermont guidance, tools, and procedures, as well as links to the national CST website.


Energy Consumption Awareness Tools

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has developed four energy tools designed to increase energy awareness in agriculture and to help farmers identify where they can reduce their energy costs. The results generated by these tools are estimates based on NRCS models and are illustrative of the magnitude of savings.  More Energy Information available rom NRCS> Save Energy, Save Money!


Engineering Information

Engineering resources available from Vermont NRCS.


Environmental Compliance

National NRCS web site providing links to important information regarding environmental policy.  Included:  National Environmental Compliance Handbook, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) links, NEPA documents, and much more.


Forestry Information

Forestry related resources available from the national NRCS forestry website.


Grazing Systems Information

Tools and information to help the conservation planner, farmer, and consumer understand and promote the vitality of grass-based farming in Vermont.


Natural Resource Data

Natural Resource Inventory and other available resource data.


Organic Production

Organic farming information and links to additional organic information resources.



Environmental Permit Information from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.


Plant Information

Plant Material Centers, National Plants Database, Vegspec and other available information regarding plants.


Resource Assessment Tools

Links to tools including RUSLE2, Farm*A*Syst Worksheets, and WinPST pesticide screening tool.


Soils Information and Resources

Vermont NRCS soils information.


Soil Survey (NCSS Web Soil Survey)

The USDA Web Soil Survey site provides secure public access to the national soils information system.  This site is a simple yet powerful way to access and analyze soils data.  Create soil maps and obtain soils data for a specific area defined by the user.


Technical Notes (VT NRCS)

Technical Guidance provided by Vermont NRCS.


Technical Resources and Guidance

Field Office Technical Guide and other technical resources.


TechReg Website

Technical Service Provider Website (Techreg).  TechReg is NRCS's online tool for Technical Service Providers to register, become certified, and manage their TSP profiles.  TechReg also helps landowners locate and choose certified registered technical service providers who can help them meet their conservation goals.

Vermont Watershed Boundary Maps


Vermont Accessibility Web Page

Please visit the Vermont Accessibility Web Page if you need accessibility help with this web site.


Last Modified: December 18, 2008

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