United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Conservation Security Program (CSP) 2008 | Utah NRCS

News Release:  USDA Extends Sign-up for 2008 Conservation Security Program (May 7, 2008)

2008 Conservation Security Program Watersheds Announced

Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer recently announced the 2008 Conservation Security Program (CSP) sign-up will be held April 18, 2008 to May 30, 2008 in 51 watersheds nationwide.

Sprinklers on the Kamas Property The sole Utah watershed selected is the Upper Weber, in Summit County (see link below). Agricultural producers within the defined boundaries will be eligible to apply for various levels of CSP benefits.

"USDA is committed to providing a fair and equitable program that rewards our nation's leading conservationists," said Shafer. "Since the first sign-up in 2004, CSP has offered payments for enhancing natural resources, rewarding those farmers and ranchers who are model conservationists, and providing incentives for other producers to achieve those same high standards of conservation in agriculture.”

The Utah office of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service held its first CSP sign-up in 2005, with three watersheds participating, and then one more watershed in 2006 (see links below to previous watersheds).

“As an agency and as a Nation we have helped farmers and ranchers correct past conservation problems such as soil erosion or water conservation since the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s,” said Sylvia Gillen, Utah State Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) overseeing CSP. This, however, represents a whole new direction in conservation and agricultural policy and programs. These payments for demonstrable long-term stewardship will reward many of those who undertook conservation on their own initiative and who care for the resources we all share.”

Furthermore the program is available on pastureland, rangeland and all types of cropland—including Utah’s orchards, vines, vegetables, and dry beans where agricultural programs have not always been available.

Participants will be enrolled in one of three tiers in the program, depending on the extent of the conservation treatment in place on their farm or ranch. Payments will be based in part on this existing conservation treatment as well as their willingness to undertake additional environmental enhancements.

Gillen said that historic application of soil and water conservation measures is the “price of admission.” Farmers will also have options to improve wildlife habitat, undertake on-farm energy conservation, improve air quality, participate in environmental monitoring, and improve nutrient and pest management activities.

NRCS will offer local workshops in the selected watershed to more fully explain the program to interested potential participants.

For more information on CSP see http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/csp.  For more information on other NRCS programs see http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs.

Agricultural Operation Delineation

NRCS will substantiate control of land and agricultural operation delineation for all CSP applicants. Farm Service Agency (FSA) records will be used to substantiate control of land and agriculture operation delineation for all applicants who are participants in other USDA programs administered by FSA. Farm records must be consistent across all USDA programs. If a participant wishes to offer an agricultural operation delineation for CSP that is different from their current farm operating plan on file with the FSA, the participant will be directed to update their farm records with FSA to meet eligibility criteria.

Click on the link below for information on Utah's 2008 CSP Watershed:


A self-assessment workbook (available at the NRCS field office or online) is available to help agricultural producers determine their eligibility to participate in CSP.

These documents require  Adobe Acrobat.

2008 Self-Assessment Workbook (PDF, 1.79 MB)
Utah Announces Sign-up for 2008 Conservation Security Program (PDF, 22 KB)
Delineating Your Agricultural Operation (PDF, 70KB)
El Programa de Seguridad para la Conservación - Manual de Auto-Evaluación (PDF, 889 KB)

Fact Sheets

For Utah, the following fact sheets list questions that will help you determine eligibility for your type of farming operation.

These documents require  Adobe Acrobat.

Irrigated Cropland Fact Sheet (PDF, 35KB)
Dry Cropland Fact Sheet  (PDF, 40KB)
Hayland Fact Sheet (PDF, 39KB)
Pasture Fact Sheet (PDF, 39KB)
Rangeland Fact Sheet (PDF, 40KB)

Benchmark Inventory/Records

Commercial Record Keeping Software

These documents require  Adobe Acrobat or  Microsoft Excel.

Utah Conservation Records Workbook (PDF, 465KB)
Cropland Record Keeping Form (PDF, 79KB)
Manure Application Record Keeping Form (PDF, 55KB)
Manure Spreader Calibration Sheet (PDF, 89KB)
Animal Feeding Operation Inventory Sheet (PDF, 343KB)
Grazing Record Sheet (PDF, 28KB)
Rest Rotation Grazing Record Sheet (PDF, 28KB)
 Cropland Record Keeping Form (Excel, 70KB)
 Manure Spreading Record Sheet (Excel, 28KB)
 Rest Rotation Grazing Record Sheet (Excel, 31KB)
 Grazing Record Sheet (Excel, 31KB)
 Field Record Keeping Forms (Excel, 19KB)
 Irrigation Water Management Record Sheet (Excel, 603 KB)

Enhancement Worksheets

These documents require  Adobe Acrobat.

Air Quality
Agricultural Odor Activity Sheet (PDF, 59 KB)
Particulate Matter Activity Sheet (PDF, 49 KB)
Ozone Precursors Activity Sheet (PDF, 63 KB)

Energy Audit of Agricultural Operations Activity Sheet (PDF, 35 KB)
Recycle 100 Percent of Waste Lubricants On Farm Activity Sheet (PDF, 35 KB)
Renewable Energy Generation Activity Sheet (PDF, 34 KB)

Grazing Lands

Grazing Management Activity (PDF, 58 KB)
Monitoring Activity (PDF, 395 KB)

Cropped Woodland Improvement Activity (PDF, 26 KB)

Soil Quality
Compaction Avoidance Through Controlled Traffic Activity (PDF, 70 KB)
Soil Conditioning Index Thresholds Activity (PDF, 37 KB)

Water Management
Drainage Water Management Activity (PDF, 34 KB)
Field Poly Tubing and Drip Tape Recycling Activity (PDF, 25 KB)
Irrigation Management Activity (PDF, 40 KB)
Reduction of Evaporative Losses Activity (PDF, 32 KB)
Remote Monitoring of Irrigation Pumping Plant Activity (PDF, 24 KB)
Salinity Management Activity (PDF, 36 KB)

Water Quality
Nutrient Management Activity (PDF, 105 KB)
Pesticide Management Activity (PDF, 68 KB)

Pollinators Areas Activity (PDF, 31 KB)
Riparian Zones Management Activity (PDF, 36 KB)
Shallow Water Habitat Management Activity (PDF, 38 KB)
Wildlife-Water Quality, Widen Buffers Activity (PDF, 40 KB)
Wildlife Friendly Haying Management Activity (PDF, 32 KB)

Energy Enhancements

CSP Archives


For more information on the statewide CSP program contact Tim Julander, NRCS Conservation Security Program Manager at (801) 524-4561.

Last Modified:  07/17/2008