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Keeping Formosan Termites from Spreading after Hurricanes
Cleaning up wood debris after a hurricane or other severe windstorm can spread one of Louisiana’s most destructive pests – the Formosan subterranean termite.
House foundation
Monolithic Slab Construction
Termites can not eat through solid concrete. In order to enter a structure they must come up around the outside edges or enter through some other opening in the slab. Traditional termite treatments require the application of a continuous chemical barrier to the soil around all possible entry points.
Termites and Rebuilding
Information card on tackling termite problems when beginning a renovation project
termite inspection
Termite Inspection 101
Information card on places to look for Formosan subterranean termite Infestations
termites in trees
Termites in Trees
Information card on where to look for termites in trees
New Orleans Flooding Could Slow Termite Spread
Termites can’t hold their breath forever, although they have a capacity to live under water for a significant amount of time, according to a world-renowned termite expert. That means termites in areas flooded by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina may not be as prevalent as they have been for a while – offering a small grain of good news among the massive destruction.
Comparison of Native and Formosan Subterranean Termites Biology, Ecology and Methods of Control
Formosan and subterranean termite biology, ecology and behavior are compared and contrasted.
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