United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
California Go to Accessibility Information
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What is the Soil Data Viewer

The Soil Data Viewer is a tool built as an extension to ArcView ® 3.x that allows a user to create soil-based thematic maps.

The soil survey attribute database associated with the spatial soil map is a complicated database with more than 50 tables. The Soil Data Viewer provides users access to soil interpretations and soil properties while shielding them from the complexity of the soil database. Each soil map unit (polygons) may contain multiple soil components that have different use and management. The Soil Data Viewer makes it easy to compute a single value for a polygon and display results, relieving the user from the burden of querying the database, processing the data and joining and linking to the spatial map. 

The Soil Data Viewer contains processing rules for appropriate use of the data.  This provides the user with a tool for quick geospatial analysis of soil data for use in resource assessment and management. 

Download the Soil Data Viewer and the Microsoft Access Template Soil Database from the Soil Data Viewer Site at http://soildataviewer.nrcs.usda.gov/.  This site includes installations instructions.

The Soil Data Viewer Rules File

With the Soil Data Viewer installed and an MS-Access database (populated with SSURGO-2 data) loaded, the user has the ability to view the Nation-wide list of soil interpretations and soil properties. However, California has a list of custom interpretations and properties that may be more appropriate for your area of interest.  

In order to view these custom interpretations (along with the national ones) a new "Rules" file needs to be added to the Soil Data Viewer folder. A Rules file is an MS-Access database that defines which soil interpretations and soil properties are visible in the Soil Data Viewer. In order to replace the Rules file and view custom interpretations follow these steps:

  • Download the California Rules file (SDVRulesV2.mdb).

If you encounter problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Carmen Ortiz at (805) 928-9269, ext. 102.

The following is a Compressed Zip file (.zip).

California Rules File (ZIP; 169 KB)

  • Using Windows Explorer go to Program Files>usda>Soil Data Viewer>Databases. The rules file is located in the Databases folder and is named "SDVRulesV2.mdb". Replace the rules file in the database folder with the rules file in the temporary folder. When the computer asks you if you want to replace the file click "yes". Important to Note: You cannot rename the Rules file. If you rename it the Soil Data Viewer will not work. It is recommended that you keep a copy of the original rules file and a copy of the California rules file on diskette in case something goes wrong. Once the new rules file is in the Databases folder the Soil Data Viewer is ready to use again.

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Last Modified: 04/03/2006