United States Department of Agriculture
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Plant Materials Program - Idaho and Utah

The National Plant Materials Program web site provides information on conservation plant materials.

Aberdeen Plant Materials Center Home Page
The Aberdeen (Idaho) Plant Materials Center tests and develops new varieties of grasses and shrubs for use in the Intermountain West.  This site contains information about the Center, current studies and activities, plant releases, riparian and wetland tools, technical notes, and plant fact sheets.

Other PMC Home Pages

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Aberdeen PMC 2008 Newsletter (PDF; 606 KB) 

Aberdeen PMC 2007 Newsletter (PDF; 429 KB) 

Aberdeen PMC 2006 Newsletter (PDF,; 691 KB) 

View From a Wetland 2007  (PDF; 606 KB) 

View From a Wetland 2006  (PDF; 511 KB) 

Aberdeen PMC Brochure (PDF; 2.13 MB) 

Aberdeen PMC Long Range Plan (PDF; 230 KB)

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2008 Progress Report (PDF; 702 KB)  New!

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2007 Progress Report (PDF; 453 KB)

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2006 Progress Report (PDF; 833 KB) 

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2005 Progress Report (PDF; 680 KB) 

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2004 Progress Report (PDF; 593 KB) 

Aberdeen Plant Materials 2003 Progress Report (PDF; 436 KB)

Farm Bill Brochure (PDF; 230 KB)   (This Farm Bill Brochure explains how the Plant Materials Program can help with the implementation of the Farm Bill.)

What is the value of the seed and plants released by the Plant Materials Center at Aberdeen, Idaho?  The Economic Impact and conservation benefits are highlighted in the following fact sheet.

Improved Conservation Plant Materials Released by NRCS and Cooperators Through December 2007 (PDF; 609 KB) 

Economic Impact Fact Sheet (PDF; 231 KB)

Living on a Few Acres (PDF; 2.12 MB) 

Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants (PDF; 9.50 MB) 

The Wood Plant Seed Manual is available on-line.  The webpage is: http://www.nsl.fs.fed.us/wpsm/index.html  NEW!

Wildfire Recovery Tips (PDF; 2.12 MB) 

The National Plant Data Center, provides additional conservation plant information including information on threatened and endangered, wetland, and noxious weed status.

National Agricultural Library - USDA employees using government computers have full access to all information at this link without having to provide a username or password.  

Plant Management Network 

The National Plant Materials Manual (NPMM), Third Edition June 2000 was distributed to Plant Material Centers, Plant Material Specialists, State Offices and Regional Offices in December 2000.  You may download a copy of the PDF file or contact the National Plant Materials Center (301) 504-8175 if you prefer a paper copy (limited quantities available).

USDA FS Agricultural Handbook 727, April 2008. "The Woody Plant Seed Manual" is now available.

Idaho Laws

Idaho Resources

Idaho Noxious Weeds
Idaho has 57 different species of weeds that are designated noxious by state law. This site contains information on how to identify and control these weeds on your property.

Utah Resources


Agroforestry Notes 

Plant Release Brochures - Aberdeen PMC and Others

Plant Materials Technical Notes - Idaho and Utah

Plant Guides for the Intermountain West

Riparian and Wetland Tools for the Intermountain West

Windbreaks  (For additional information refer to Plant Materials Technical Notes - Idaho and Utah.)

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Last Modified: 12/22/2008