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Statewide Poster And Poetry/Prose Exhibit:

“Your Water Footprint…Keep it Small, Keep it Clean!”

Dear Fifth/Sixth Grade Educators,

Environmental Pathways statewide poster, poetry/prose contest.

Contest Materials:

We invite your students to participate in the annual Environmental Pathways statewide poster and poetry/prose exhibit. The theme of the 2009 event will be “Your Water Footprint…Keep it Small, Keep it Clean!” focusing on the importance of clean water and ways to conserve it.

We ask that you use our educational packet, “Environmental Pathways - Youth Investigating Pollution Issues in Illinois,” in your classroom during the month of January. Following this year's theme, emphasis will be on water pollution issues and conservation.

We believe that the creation of posters and written works gives your students an opportunity to express and share, on a deeper and more personal level, what they have learned. The student exhibit also draws attention to environmental issues.

We recommend that you have a school exhibit of your students' works. Ask students and faculty to vote for their favorite entries. Then send the Illinois EPA the top four posters and top four poetry/prose entries (representing the school) for inclusion in the statewide exhibit.

Students whose works have been chosen for the exhibit, together with their parents and teachers, will be invited to an awards reception in Springfield. The finalists will receive certificates and ribbons. Twelve students (six in each category) will be given special recognition and will each receive a $50 savings bond and an environmental reference book for his or her school's library. Following the recognition reception, the works will remain on display at the Illinois EPA April 6 through May 4.

The top twelve entries also will be displayed on the Illinois EPA's web site providing additional recognition for the winning entries as well as promoting the program.

To participate in the poster and poetry/prose contest you will need the participation packet which contains the rules and necessary forms. Please read the timetable below and note important dates and deadlines. If you have previously participated in the poster contest please take time to complete the poster contest survey.

Your Water Footprint…Keep it Small, Keep it Clean!

Exhibit timetable is as follows:

January 2009
Teachers incorporate the Environmental Pathways materials into classroom curricula with focus on water pollution issues and conservation.
January 26 - 30
Students create posters or written works with a focus on water pollution issues and conservation.
February 2 - 5
Teachers display posters and poems/prose at their school. Students and faculty vote to select four posters and four written entries to submit to the Illinois EPA for further judging.
February 6
Teacher/school sends four posters and/or four poems/prose to the Illinois EPA, a total of eight entries per school. Entries must be postmarked before or on February 6, 2009.
February 18
Illinois EPA staff selects the top posters and written works for exhibition.
February 19
A panel of judges (from local organizations) selects the top twelve entries.
April 4
Reception and awards ceremony held in Springfield.
April 6 - May 4
Top posters, poems and prose on exhibit at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Springfield.

All entries become the property of the Illinois EPA. If you have any questions, please call Kristi Morris–Richards at (217) 558-7198.

Kids & Education

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Poster and Poetry Contest
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