United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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National Resources Inventory (NRI

In order for NRCS to accomplish its mission and provide leadership in conservation on our Nation's private lands, it is necessary to periodically assess the status, condition, and trends in soil, water, and other natural resources on these lands.  The National Resources Inventory is a statistical survey of land use and natural resource conditions and trends on U.S. non-Federal lands.

NRI is:

A continuous inventory of natural resources on non-Federal lands

Conducted by NRCS in all 50 States, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and some Pacific Basin Locations

A record of trends in the Nation’s resources over time

Based on recognized statistical sampling methods and is scientifically designed and executed with assistance from Iowa State University Center for Survey Statistics & Methodology (CSSM)

This inventory captures data on land cover, land use, soil erosion, prime farmland soils, wetlands, habitat diversity, and conservation practices at more than 800,000 sample sites.  

The NRI method and data are valuable tools NRCS uses to illustrate the changes in land use, the condition of our natural resources, and how conservation needs will be changing as well.  The 1992 NRI was instrumental in providing data on natural resources for the USDA publication, A Geography of Hope.

Visit the links below to find out more about the National NRI, NRI in New Hampshire, and the latest results available.  

Other NRI Links:

The following documents are also available for downloading. These documents require Adobe Acrobat.

New Hampshire NRI Data and Trends (102 KB)
New Hampshire NRI Data Summary 1982-2003 (102 KB)
2003 NRI in New Hampshire (41 KB)
1997 Revised Summary (4.0 MB)
History of the NRI (82 KB)

For more information on the NRI in New Hampshire contact:
MaryEllen Cannon
New Hampshire NRI Coordinator
603-788-3818 Ext. 105