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U.S. Food and Drug Administration · Department of Homeland Security · U.S. Department of Agriculture

Agriculture and Food Sector

May 21, 2007

National Infrastructure Protection Plan

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Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) identified 17 critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) sectors and designated Federal Government Sector-Specific Agencies (SSAs) for each of the sectors. Each sector is responsible for developing and submitting Sector-Specific Plans and sector-level performance feedback to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to enable national cross-sector CI/KR protection program gap assessments. SSAs are responsible for collaborating with private sector security partners and encouraging the development of appropriate information-sharing and analysis mechanisms within the sector. Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 (HSPD-9) establishes a national policy to defend the food and agriculture system against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies.

Sector Overview

The Agriculture and Food Sector has the capacity to feed and clothe people well beyond the boundaries of the Nation. The sector is almost entirely under private ownership and is composed of an estimated 2.1 million farms, and approximately 880,587 firms and 1,086,793 facilities. This sector accounts for roughly one-fifth of the Nation's economic activity and is overseen at the Federal level by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The USDA is a multifaceted department that directly impacts the lives of all U.S. citizens. One of its key roles is to ensure that the Nation's food and fiber needs are met. USDA is also the steward of our Nation's 192 million acres of national forests and rangelands, and it is the country's largest conservation agency, encouraging voluntary efforts to protect soil, water, and wildlife on the 70 percent of America's lands that are in private hands.

The FDA is responsible for the safety of 80 percent of all of the food consumed in the United States. While FDA's mission is to protect and promote public health, that responsibility is shared with: Federal, State, and local agencies; regulated industry; academia; health providers; and consumers. FDA regulates $240 billion of domestic food and $15 billion of imported food. In addition, roughly 600,000 restaurants and institutional food service providers, an estimated 235,000 grocery stores, and other food outlets are regulated by State and local authorities that receive guidance and other technical assistance from FDA.

The Agriculture and Food Sector is dependent upon: the Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Sector for clean irrigation and processed water; the Transportation Systems Sector for movement of products; the Energy Sector to power the equipment needed for agriculture production and food processing; and the Banking and Finance, Chemical, Dams, and other sectors as well.

Sector Partnerships

In 2004, the Food and Agriculture Sector Coordinating Council (FASCC) was formed. The FASCC is comprised of a Government Coordinating Council and a private sector coordinating council. The FASCC hosts quarterly joint meetings that provide a public-private forum for effective coordination of agriculture security and food defense strategies and activities, policy, and communications across the entire sector to support the Nation's homeland security mission. It provides a venue to mutually plan, implement, and execute sector-wide security programs, procedures, and processes; and exchange information and assess accomplishments and progress for defending the Nation's food and agriculture critical infrastructure. It is a central forum for introducing new initiatives for mutual engagement, evaluation and implementation, resolving issues, and mutual education.

Specific joint initiatives include identifying and prioritizing items that need public-private input, coordination, implementation, and communication; coordinating and communicating issues to all members; and identifying needs/gaps in research, best practices/standards, and communications.

Priority Programs

For questions or more information, please contact or visit www.dhs.gov/nipp.

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