1: Community Pract. 2008 Dec;81(12):30-3.Links

Smoke-free homes: outcomes of a local service development.

Rotherham Primary Care Trust.

This paper aims to determine the impact of a smoke-free homes initiative in Doncaster. An evaluation was conducted via a self-reported semi-structured questionnaire and telephone survey in 2006. Numbers and types of smoke-free homes promises, self-reported smoking restrictions in the home and factors associated with smoke-free homes were measured. A total of 825 smoke-free home promises were received, of which 567 (69%) were 'gold', 221 (27%) 'silver' and 37 (4%) 'bronze'. Of these promises, 523 (63%) were from smokers. Non-smokers (95%) and smokers who had just stopped (91%) were more likely to opt in for a gold promise when compared to smokers (52%, p<0.001). Over half of smokers who opted for the gold promise reported not allowing smoking in the house (57%, p<0.001). Of 82 responses at follow up, 41 (50%) reported smoking outside the house or in the street. Engaging families in the implementation of smoke-free homes is an effective measure to reduce household second-hand smoke exposure. Further research is required to assess the long-term feasibility, sustainability and cost per quitter.

PMID: 19105526 [PubMed - in process]