United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Mid-Atlantic Soil Survey Region #14 Go to Accessibility Information
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Welcome to the NRCS Mid-Atlantic Soil Survey Region web site.

Person taking a soil profile

A Soil Profile

A quick and inexpensive technique to make a mini-soil profile in now available. Check out this new technique on the soil education site. This technique provides the student with a learning experience that can be made in the classroom or in the field at a very low cost using a note card and double-sided carpet tape.

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The different functions of soils

Ten Key Messages to Help People Understand Soils

Key messages to understanding soils have been added to the soil education site and to an educational CD entitled "Helping People Understand Soils-Tools for Educators, Version 2". The educational CD was released at the National Science Teachers Association conference in Atlanta, Georgia the first week of April 2004 by NRCS, USDA. The CD is available on request.

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Photo of boy using a microscope

SOILS - Tools for Educators

Version 3.0 of SOILS - Tools for educators is now available on CD-ROM. Copies of the CDs are available from Landcare.

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The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.


                                                                                                                                    Last Modified: 1/17/2007