United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Civil Rights

Last Modified: 10/10/2008

Vision:  A guiding force promoting civil rights as essential to a quality work environment and program delivery.

Mission:  To serve as a communication network to promote and enhance civil rights opportunities in North Dakota and provide recommendations and counsel to the State conservationist.

Equal Opportunity Statement:  The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because of all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)  Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC, 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Civil Rights Brochure

The following document requires Adobe Acrobat.

Civil Rights Brochure (PDF; 408 KB)

Civil Rights Information

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Members List (PDF; 40 KB) last updated:  September 26, 2008
North Dakota Civil Rights Committee By-Laws (PDF; 14 KB)
North Dakota Civil Rights Committee By-Laws with Signature (PDF; 33 KB)

Upcoming Meetings for FY09

  • December - Bismarck, ND
  • March 10-11 - Fargo, ND
  • June 9-10 - Minot, ND
  • September 1-2 - Grand Forks, ND

Minutes from Prior Meetings

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

June 2008 (PDF; 667 KB)

March 2008 (PDF: 1.29 MB)
September 2007 (PDF; 733 KB)
June 2007 (PDF; 281 KB)
March 2007 (PDF; 507 KB)
December 2006 (PDF; 505 KB)
September 2006 (PDF; 338 KB)
June 2006 (PDF; 99 KB)
March 2006 (PDF; 445 KB)
December 2005 (PDF; 15 KB)


  • September 15-October 15 - National Hispanic Heritage Month
  • January - Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday (3rd Monday)
  • February - Black History Month
  • April - National Volunteer Week (3rd week)
  • April - Take "Your Child to Work" Day (4th Thursday)
  • May - National Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
  • August 26 - Women's Equality Day
  • October - Disability Employment Awareness Month
  • November - Native American History Month


Civil Rights Committee members serve three-year terms that coincide with the fiscal year.  The committee is made up of two representatives from each area and two representatives from the State office.

    Paul Bjorg, Soil Conservation Technician, Grand Forks FO, 701-772-2321
    Email: paul.bjorg@nd.usda.gov

    Keith Weston, Water Quality Specialist, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2092
    Email: keith.weston@nd.usda.gov

    Penny Doty, Soil Conservationist, Fargo FO, 701-282-2157
    Email: penny.doty@nd.usda.gov

            Susan Samson-Liebig, Soil Data Quality Specialist, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2018
            Email: susan.samsonliebig@nd.usda.gov           

            Robbie Obach
, Secretary, Dickinson AO, 701-225-5113 Ext. 100
            Email: robbie.obach@nd.usda.gov

            Austin Lang, District Conservationist, Selfridge FO, 701-422-3332
            Email: austin.lang@nd.usda.gov

            Becky Clow, District Conservationist, Devils Lake FO, 701-662-7967
            Email: becky.clow@nd.usda.gov

            Jarvis Keney, District Conservationist, McClusky FO, 701-363-2255
            Email: jarvis.keney@nd.usda.gov


    Pamela Schell, Federal Women's Program Manager, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2014
    Email: pamela.schell@nd.usda.gov

    Karri Springer, Disability Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2060
    Email: karri.springer@nd.usda.gov

    Brad Benson, Veterans Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2085
    Email: brad.benson@nd.usda.gov

    Tanya Riehl, American Indian/ Alaska Native Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2096
    Email: tanya.riehl@nd.usda.gov

    Lisa Lund, Asian American/Pacific Islander Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2098
    Email: lisa.lund@nd.usda.gov

    Christopher Davis, Black Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck MLRA SSO, 701-250-4518
    Email: christopher.davis@nd.usda.gov

    Emily Bonilla, Hispanic Emphasis Program Manager, Bismarck FO, 701-250-4518
    Email: emily.bonilla@nd.usda.gov



    Todd Hagel, Civil Rights Liaison Officer for Employment & Program Delivery, Bismarck SO, 701-530-2004
    Email: todd.hagel@nd.usda.gov

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