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Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
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Governor's Environmental Corps

Summer Internship Program

Who: College Students (must have completed your sophomore year prior to the start of the summer program and must be currently enrolled in full-time undergraduate/graduate program)
What: Governor’s Environmental Corps
When: June 2 - August 1, 2008 (9 weeks)
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
(Central and Regional Office Locations)
Why: To promote environmental awareness and environmental education and to provide a comprehensive knowledge of issues and careers in the environmental field.

Program Summary

Governor Rod Blagojevich and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) are sponsoring the 17th annual Governor’s Environmental Corps summer internship program, which will continue to be privately funded by Illinois corporations. We are searching for students in biological sciences, physical sciences, chemistry, engineering, prelaw, personal computers, and communications, who are looking for a unique and comprehensive summer internship experience.

During the course of the nine week program, as many as thirty (30) participants will work in a specific area of the IEPA such as: Air Pollution Control, Land Pollution Control,Water Pollution Control, Public Water Supplies, Laboratories, Legal Counsel or Community Relations.

Examples of Program Positions Available

Field office sampling and inspections (land pollution, air pollution, water pollution), laboratory analysis, waste water, drinking water, groundwater, air quality, solid or hazardous waste, remedial projects management, public relations, legal counsel, community relations and staff training.

Additional Training

For students primarily in the Springfield area, there will be opportunity for additional training and field trips. Examples include: tours of a landfill, a wastewater or drinking water treatment plant, and industrial facilities. Students in IEPA’s regional offices will spend the majority of their normal working hours in the field visiting many of these same types of facilities.

How to Apply

The application period for the 2008 Governor's Environmental Corps summer internship program has ended. Please check again in January.

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