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LSP Programs

Newsroom Programs
Food & Farm Connection Resources
Community Based Food & Economic Development
Farm Beginnings
Policy & Organizing
Stewardship Science

» Buy Fresh Buy Local St. Croix River Valley
» Buy Fresh Buy Local Upper Minnesota River Valley
» Stewardship Food Directory
» CSA Farm Directory
» Community Food & Farm Fest
» Food Alliance Midwest


» Monitoring Tool Box
» Multiple Benefits of Agriculture & Pasture-Raised Livestock
» The Farm as Natural Habitat
» Planning & Managing for Stewardship
Below are summaries of our many program areas.

Creating a Regional Food System that benefits farmers, consumers and the land

Food Alliance Midwest - Creating Food Choices
Food Alliance Midwest (FAM) is a third-party certification program that uses a certification seal in a public education and consumer awareness campaign to support local farms and foods. By looking for the FAM certification seal, consumers can choose and purchase foods from farms that are local, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible. Food Alliance Midwest is the only certification that combines these healthful elements into one certification seal.
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Farm and City Food Connections
LSP educates consumers on how they can support sustainable farmers by purchasing food directly from the farm. LSP helps link farmers and consumers through several resources and events: our Stewardship Food Directory listing of direct-marketing farmers, the Food and Farm Connection, Local Foods Dinners, and the Community Food & Farm Festival that bring people together for good food and discussion of food issues, and other events.
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Pride of the Prairie
An important aspect of LSP's work is assisting sustainable producers in cultivating profitable alternative markets and creating direct connections with consumers. LSP offers a variety of resources and workshops on marketing locally grown, sustainably raised farm products. Pride of the Prairie is working to increase the variety and amount of locally produced foods in restaurants, grocery stores and institutions in western Minnesota.
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Encouraging Stewardship through education, research and demonstration

On Farm Research
LSP regularly supports research of farming practices that improve the profitability, environmental sustainability and quality of life of family farmers. LSP also takes an active role building relationships between farmers, University researchers, agency representatives and environmentalists. Recent collaborative efforts have researched farm sustainability as reflected by water quality and financial data, and forage based livestock systems and their impact on water quality and farm profitability.
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Planning and Managing for Stewardship
Incorporated into much of LSP's work is a holistic approach to managing land, people and money - and their interrelationships. LSP offers several training opportunities and resources that translate this holistic attitude into practical techniques for planning and managing farming operations including Whole Farm Planning workshops and a Monitoring Tool Box of techniques for monitoring the impact of management decisions on quality of life, financial sustainability, soils, streams, birds, frogs, and pasture vegetation. On-line sustainability calculator for farms.
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Farm Beginnings® - Preparing a New Generation of Farmers
The Farm Beginnings program trains new farmers in low-capital, environmentally-sound farming practices, financial management, whole farm planning and environmental monitoring. It also links participants with experienced sustainable farmers who serve as mentors. A zero interest livestock loan program is available to eligible Farm Beginnings graduates made possible by a generous grant from Heifer Project International.
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The long-term goal of the Agroecology Program is to restore a relationship between farming and the natural world that enhances the sustainability of both and transforms rural landscapes into mixtures of agricultural and natural ecosystems. To introduce these ideas about agroecological restoration, LSP supported the writing of a book called The Farm as Natural Habitat: Reconnecting Food Systems with Ecosystems, published by Island Press in April 2002. LSP staff members participate in book readings, conferences and programs based on themes related to those in the book. LSP is a founding member of the Wild Farm Alliance and participates in activities of this coalition to promote agriculture that helps protect and restore wild nature.
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Creating a New Vision for Agriculture by organizing communities for positive change

Federal Farm Policy
LSP has long worked on the national level for agricultural policy reforms that are good for the land, family farmers, consumers and our communities. Learn more…

State Policy
LSP works at the Minnesota State Legislature to advance policies and programs that support family farmers, rural communities, a healthy environment and vibrant economies. Learn more…

Local Community Organizing
LSP works with rural communities to protect and promote their right to practice local democracy. Learn more…


The Land Stewardship Project supports the kind of practical science that can help farmers develop environmentally and economically sustainable systems of food and fiber production. Citizen-based science that takes a holistic approach to helping balance production with stewardship is already creating some exciting innovations in agriculture:

The Monitoring Tool Box is a comprehensive resource for farmers and other land managers who want to monitor the impacts of various land uses on everything from water quality to a family's quality of life.

Our Multiple Benefits of Agriculture & Pasture-Raised Livestock page describes how sustainable farming systems can produce various public goods. This page includes fact sheets, scientific papers, articles and reports.

The Farm as Natural Habitat: Reconnecting Food Systems with Ecosystems is a groundbreaking book co-edited by LSP's Dana Jackson on restoring a relationship between farming and the natural world that improves the sustainability of both.

LSP's Planning & Managing for Stewardship section offers a number of resources for planning and managing farming operations utilizing holistic, whole farm approaches.

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Tel: 651 653-0618

 ©Land Stewardship Project, 2001

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