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The Land Stewardship Letter

The official newsletter of the Land Stewardship Project

The Land Stewardship Letter is a bimonthly publication of the Land Stewardship Project, private, nonprofit organization.

Subscription Information
Members of the Land Stewardship Project receive a hard copy of this newsletter as a benefit. Annual membership dues are $35. Address all membership inquiries to Mike McMahon, Membership Coordinator, 2919 E 42nd St., Minneapolis, MN 55406; Phone: (612) 722-6377; or go to the Join Us section of this website for detailed information on becoming a member of LSP today!

Address all inquiries pertaining to the editorial content of the Land Stewardship Letter to Brian DeVore, Editor, 2200 4th Street, White Bear Lake, MN 55110; Phone: 612-729-6294.

Printed Copies
Some paper versions of Land Stewardship Letter back issues are available at no cost. Click here for a PDF document that describes in detail every Land Stewardship Letter published between 1983 and 2002. For more information on ordering back issues, call 651-653-0618 or e-mail our White Bear Lake office at

To find a particular subject, click on Search at the very top of any page.

Land Stewardship Letter Index
* These issues are available as a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat Reader Get the Adobe Acrobat Reader at Adobe's website.. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, it can be downloaded for free at the Adobe website.

2008   Spring* Summer* Autumn*
2007 Winter* Spring* Summer* Autumn*
2006 Jan/Feb/March* April/May/June* Autumn*
2005 Jan/Feb/March* April/May/June* July/August/September* Oct/Nov/Dec*
2004 Jan/Feb/March* April/May/June* July/August/September* Oct/Nov/Dec*
2003 Jan/Feb/March* April/May/June* July/August/September* Oct/Nov* December*
2002 Jan/Feb March/April May/June July/Aug/Sept* Oct/Nov/Dec*
2001 Jan/Feb/March April/May/June July/August  Sept/Oct  Nov/DEC
2000 Jan/Feb/March April/May/June July/August Sept/Oct November December
1999 Jan/Feb/March April/May June/July/Aug Sept/Oct November December
1998 Jan/Feb/Mar April/May/June July/August Sept/Oct November December
1997 Jan/Feb/Mar April/May June/July Aug/Sept Oct/Nov December
1996   May/June July/August September Oct/Nov December



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Tel: 651 653-0618

 ©Land Stewardship Project, 2001

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