Computer News

January 13, 2009

Spies in Your Mobile Phone

Just as advertisers and wireless companies are hoping for the business of marketing on mobile phones to take off, consumer groups are raising pointed questions about ...

January 9, 2009

Open, Schmopen: Wireless Networks Are Still Closed

Over the past year, there's been a lot of lip service in the mobile-phone industry about making our wireless networks "open." The idea, consumer and open network ...

January 9, 2009

In Hard Times, Chipmakers and Suppliers Butt Heads

The pain the recession is currently causing the semiconductor industry has been well documented, but it may also escalate tensions between chip equipment vendors and ...

January 9, 2009

The Real Cost of Delaying Digital TV

The transition team for President-elect Barack Obama wants Congress to push back a planned changeover to digital television. The delay, Obama's team argues, would give...

January 7, 2009

Intel Sales Take a Nosedive

In the most recent indication of the fragile state of the tech landscape, chipmaker Intel said fourth-quarter sales would fall short of its already reduced forecast. ...

January 7, 2009

Clearwire's WiMAX Launch

You could hardly turn around in Portland, Ore., in recent weeks without bumping into ads for the new mobile broadband service from Clearwire (CLWR). Product reps ...

January 6, 2009

Was Apple 'Adequate but Late' on Jobs?

Apple (AAPL) investors got answers to some of their nagging questions about the health of the company's chief executive, Steve Jobs, on Jan. 5 when Jobs disclosed in a...

January 5, 2009

Companies Seek PC Alternatives

PCs are so 2008. Computer users are warming to personal computer alternatives, including netbooks, handheld mobile devices—and in a growing number of cases, ...

January 1, 2009

Will This Bold Shakeup Save Dell?

Nearly two years since retaking the helm of his company, Michael Dell has just taken his toughest steps yet aimed at righting the ship. On Dec. 31, Dell (DELL) ...

December 31, 2008

Ten Stories that Defined Broadband in 2008

With every tick of the clock, 2008 is taking its final steps toward 2009, when the year starts afresh. From a broadband perspective it has been an eventful ...

December 31, 2008

Bringing Broadband to the Urban Poor

Anthony Celestine was a latecomer to the Internet Age. The 40-year-old Harlem resident has owned a small Jani-King commercial cleaning franchise since 2004, but until ...

December 31, 2008

Bechtel Rebuilds Its Computer Network from Scratch

Last year, Bechtel Chief Information Officer Geir Ramleth fulfilled what's only a pipe dream for most IT executives: He rebuilt Bechtel Group's corporate data network ...

December 23, 2008

Teardown of Sony's PlayStation 3

One of the great articles of faith in the consumer electronics industry might be stated thusly: "Time heals all costs." Basically it means that over time the parts ...

December 22, 2008

The Consumer Electronics Inventory Glut

Automakers aren't the only ones halting production as inventories pile up. The consumer electronics industry is also coming to grips with rising stockpiles of unsold ...

December 22, 2008

Why Netbooks Are Greener than Laptops

It was just over a year ago that small, low-cost netbooks hit the market, and since then they've become one of the hottest technology trends of 2008, with the top two ...

December 19, 2008

E-Books Are on the Rise, But Slowly

With Oprah pushing an e-reader to her audience, Google (GOOG) placing whole books online, and the popularity of programs such as Stanza, which turns the iPhone into a ...

December 18, 2008

Seagate's FreeAgent Go: Brilliant Backup

I backed up my work on Seagate Technology's slim, colorful new FreeAgent Go disk drive for about a week, and it was a joy to use. That's saying a lot in the external ...

December 18, 2008

How Electronic Arts Lost Its Way

Expectations ran high almost two years ago, when John Riccitiello took the helm of video game maker Electronic Arts (ERTS). Formerly operations chief for EA, ...

December 17, 2008

Why Intel Could Rock the Electric Vehicle Battery Market

Like any emerging industry, the cleantech world tends to accuse newcomers of being interlopers, and that's probably the initial thought many had when news hit that ...

December 15, 2008

HCL's Leveraged Leap to India's Top Tech Circle

India's tech industry has emerged on the global scene with an aggressive deployment of highly trained, low-cost labor to serve Western clients. Now HCL Technologies is...

December 12, 2008

Tech Trends to Expect in 2009

Don't be surprised if during the course of 2009 you opt for a bigger TV screen because you're playing more video games and going to the movies less often. You won't be...

December 11, 2008

Windows Mobile: What Microsoft Needs to Fix

In September, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer spent a week traipsing across Europe and parts of the U.S. schmoozing 17 of the world's largest handset makers ...

December 11, 2008

The Greening of the Corporation

Some of the world's biggest consumer and tech companies, ranging from Intel (INTC) to Nike (NKE), are making strides to reduce their businesses' impact on global ...

December 9, 2008

Cloud Computing Is No Pipe Dream

Tech pundits and practitioners alike have spilled lots of ink to hype cloud computing. They'll encourage you to think of it as IT infrastructure on demand—like ...

December 9, 2008

Clouds Looming for Server Software Vendors

As cloud computing moves beyond startups and attracts enterprise users, major software vendors are being forced to reckon with a new challenge to their pricing models....

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