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Egg Quality Control

Shell Egg Quality Control Program

1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 • (916) 445-4243  FAX (916) 445-0232 • therrera@cdfa.ca.gov

If you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs! California’s Egg Quality Control (EQC) program works to make sure those eggs are wholesome, properly labeled, refrigerated, and of established quality. The EQC also strives to maintain fair and equitable marketing standards in the California egg industry.

The first egg inspection program was established in 1935. The purpose of the program is to monitor egg quality at production, wholesale, and retail levels. In 1971 a Mill Fee Assessment Program, based on egg cases sold, was established to fund the program. The current (2007) assessment rate is .045 cents per case (30-doz.) of eggs.


Local inspections are carried out by staff from the County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office (provide link here). The EQC program provide supervision and training to the counties to ensure consistency and uniform application of standards throughout the State.


The Shell Egg Advisory Committee provides recommendations to the Secretary on issues relating to their industry. The Board is comprised of six industry members, one public member and one county agricultural commissioner.


Any person engaged in business in California as an egg producer or egg handler, or any out-of-state egg handler or egg producer selling eggs into California, shall register with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). A new registration is required if any current information changes. The certificate of registration is non-transferable. Every egg handler shall register each brand name they intend to use.

The EQC is a regulatory program and has enforcement powers when dealing with shell eggs. Its enforcement duties cover grade, size, labeling, refrigeration, brand registration and payment of assessments. You can access and review the law and regulations pertaining to shell eggs through this web site.