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Farm Photos

As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. Here are scenes on sustainable farms from across the region. Please send us photos from your farm to share. Photos that educate are strongly encouraged, but we like just pretty pictures too. Here’s how to submit your photo(s):

  • Email us an electronic version of your photos. The picture file must be either a "jpg" or "jpeg" format!. The optimum size photo is 640 x 480 pixels at 72 pixels per inch. The size of the file should be less than 2MB (2 megabytes). Digital photos are best. However, you can scan your favorite non-digital photo, or have it scanned at a copy center, and then email it to us.
  • Include your name and contact info as well as a caption for the photograph(s) submitted.
  • We reserve the right to resize or reject images submitted. 
  Peppers grown at the farm of Ann Bell Stone, Southern SAWG Board Member, in Georgetown, Kentucky. Jean Mills, Southern SAWG conference coordinator, harvesting lettuces on her farm near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Terry Pepper, member of the Texas Organic Cotton Cooperative and Southern SAWG's policy committee, harvesting cotton at his farm in O'Donnell, Texas. Ginned and baled organic cotton, ready to be wrapped in plastic to prevent contamination and shipped to buyer.  This bale will make 500 t-shirts. Cotton produced by Texas Organic Cotton Marketing Cooperative. Photo courtesy of Organic Essentials. Cindy Delvin in the kale field at Delvin Farm owned by Cindy and Hank Delvin.  The bottom leaves of the kale in this picture have been harvested 2-3 times already. The farm is near Nashville Tennessee. Photo courtesy of Delvin Farms.  

See more farm photos in the Organic Farmer Network.


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