NOFA/Mass Dairy and Livestock Program

Dairy Links

Raw Milk Network
List of MA Raw Milk Dairies
Information for Producers of Raw Milk
Additional information about raw milk
Organic Information Resources
Transitioning and Certification
Technical Assistance

The NOFA Massachusetts Organic Dairy Program The NOFA/Mass Organic Dairy Program provides Massachusetts dairy and livestock farmers with information about grazing, organic milk production and the transition process, and information on raw milk and value-added production. As of 2008, five dairies are certified organic and at least two others are transitioning to organic. Three organic milk processors, Organic Valley, Hood and Horizon, have each expressed an interest in expanding the organic milk market in Massachusetts.

At the same time, more than 24 dairies in Massachusetts have met the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) standards for the sale of raw milk at their farm, twice the number selling raw milk in 2006.

Below is a list of local, state and national resources providing information for raw milk and organic producers and livestock farmers interested in grass-based production.


Grazing Workshops
Each year, NOFA/Mass, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the University of Massachusetts Extension organize Grazing Workshops as a continuing education resource for Massachusetts farmers. Topics at each event vary, but include pasture management, organic transition and herd health, forage species, soil fertility, fencing and water systems, and summer and winter grazing. Read here about our 2008 series, and check back in early 2009 for more information about upcoming sessions Grazing School

Grazing School
The first Mass Grass Grazing School was held in August 2008 at the University of Massachusetts in conjunction with the annual NOFA Summer Conference. Workshops for the grazing school were for beginning and experienced graziers and included the topics: Grazing 101, Principles of Dairy Nutrition on Pasture, Finishing Meat Animals on Pasture, Pastured Poultry Feed and Feeding, Behavior Based Animal Management, Multi-species Grazing and the Economic Benefits of Intensive Grazing. Presenters were grazing experts from throughout the Northeast. The workshops were followed by a pasture walk at the UMass Pasture Center featuring a field tour of test plots (28 mixtures) and discussions on species identification, grazing management and fencing. Plans are underway for the 2009 grazing school.

Also, check the NOFA/Mass Calendar, Practical Skills Workshops and Conferences pages for dairy related workshops, meetings, conferences and events.

Dairy and Grazing Resources

Information About Raw Milk In Massachusetts (for farmers and consumers)
Organic Information Resources
Transitioning And Certification
Technical Assistance
Value Added Production
Funding Opportunities
Grain Suppliers
Herd Health Resources
Organic Milk Markets
Other Helpful Organizations and Books
Grazing Resources

For more information about the NOFA/Mass Organic Dairy Program, contact Kate Rossiter at

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