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About Us

 Who We Are |  Mission Statement | Background | Who We Serve | How We Function

Who We Are

The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group -- commonly known as "Southern SAWG" -- is the region's non-profit leader in creating a sustainable food and farming system. Our programs and activities are aimed at helping family farms and those working to improve community food systems in the Southern region of the United States. 

Southern SAWG provides learning opportunities for farmers and agricultural professionals, and tools and support for farmer entrepreneurs. We promote communication and collaboration between farmers, consumers and community organizations, and foster the development of food systems that are more secure. We develop grassroots leadership in the sustainable agriculture movement, and empower constituents to change policies that impact farm communities.

Through our work we link dozens of diverse organizations and thousands of individuals throughout the 13 Southern states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.     <back to top>  

Mission Statement  

To empower and inspire farmers, individuals, and communities in the South to create an agricultural system that is ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, and humane. Because sustainable solutions depend on the involvement of the entire community, Southern SAWG is committed to including all persons in the South without bias.    <back to top>

Southern SAWG was founded in 1991 to provide an umbrella structure for the sustainable agriculture movement in the South and to amplify its impacts. Many people realized that modern industrial agriculture was having unanticipated consequences. Family farmers, rural communities, the quality of our water, the safety of our food, and true food buying choices all were being harmed. 

Organizations had formed at the state and local level since the 1970s to create and support a more ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just system of agriculture. The founders of Southern SAWG, representing many of these organizations, realized that state and local efforts needed a way to effectively share and extend information, strategies, and impacts both regionally and nationally.  

Since its inception in 1991, Southern SAWG has:

* Developed and extended knowledge on sustainable farming and marketing practices;
* Fostered viable agricultural enterprises;
* Improved government and institutional agricultural policies, programs and practices;
* Increased connections between consumers and farmers;
* Cultivated new leaders to speak out and effect change;

* Promoted growth of state and local grassroots organizations; and

* Enhanced regional and community partnerships.   <back to top>   

Who We Serve

Southern SAWG's primary constituents include the organizations that serve family farmers and ranchers who are striving to become more sustainable in the 13 Southern states. We also serve the advocates, researchers, educators, information providers, consumers and youth whose efforts support a sustainable food and farming system.   <back to top>  

How We Function

The Southern SAWG Board of Directors is made up of individuals from the 13 states in the Southern region, representing the diversity of our region and its farming systems. The organization’s goals are determined by the Board of Directors through a periodic strategic planning process incorporating the evolving needs of our constituent organizations. These goals guide the projects and activities of Southern SAWG. The Executive Director manages the activities of the organization as a whole and oversees staff. A combination of part-time Program Managers and volunteers carry out project activities and management of specific program areas. Much of our work is conducted in partnership with constituent organizations, institutions and agencies.   Go to What We Do to learn about our exciting programs and activities.  <back to top> 


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Southern SAWG