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Safe Food, Clean Environment, Healthy People and Viable Family Farms

Southern SAWG takes a regional approach to creating a sustainable agricultural system -- one that is ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just and humane. We are actively working on several fronts. Here are the highlights:


Providing Learning Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture

Southern SAWG holds the Practical Tools and Solutions for Sustaining Family Farms Conference, an annual January event that provides a forum to learn about sustainable farming techniques and marketing strategies, community food systems, and federal farm policies and programs that promote sustainable agriculture. This event also provides producers, researchers, information providers, concerned consumers and community organizers the opportunity to build networks, strengthen alliances, and celebrate the achievements of Southern sustainable farmers.

For more information, go to the Conference page.

Southern SAWG has begun a series of videos call Natural Farming Systems in the South.  This series began through a partnership with the USDA's Risk Management Agency.  Each of these high-quality videos takes the viewer to one farm, gives you an understanding of the whole farming system, and gives a closer look at unique components. The first two videos in the series feature small-scale organic vegetable and flower farms. The next videos in the series will feature cut flower and pasture-based poultry, dairy and beef operations.  To learn more about these virtual farm tours and to view clips, go to the Virtual Farm Tour page.


As a companion to our series of “virtual farm tour” videos, Southern SAWG has developed a companion Enterprise Handbook for each farming system featured in the videos.  The comprehensive handbook consists of the most informative and easy to understand production and marketing materials available.

These materials are being made available to groups in the South wishing to use them in their own educational programs.  You may download Southern SAWG’s Enterprise Resource Lists.  If you'd like more information about these materials or trainings, please contact Karen Adler.

Southern SAWG, in partnership with USDA Risk Management Agency, recently launched a one-year project that will use internet-based services to assist moderate- to small-scale Southern farmers in marketing their products and in obtaining information that will improve the sustainability of their operations. This project is designed to address the special needs of family farmers, including those who are not "computer literate," and to help them take advantage of all the internet can offer producers. For more information, go to the Internet-Based Services page.

Providing Tools and Support for Farmer Entrepreneurs

We are developing services and support for family farmers in the Southern United States who want to add value to their farm products and increase farm income. Southern SAWG has created a "learning network" of agencies, organizations and individuals who are assisting farmers in sustainable enterprise development. We are encouraging these providers to use a systems approach in their assistance, and monitor successes and barriers. As they work with farmer clients, they are sharing successful strategies and approaches, discussing the challenges that face them, developing relationships for consulting with each other, and developing ways for further cooperation and information exchange. For more information, go to the Farm-Based Enterprise Development page.

We coordinated an Experienced Organic Farmer Network made up of ten full-time, commercial-scale producers who have practical experience that surpasses any information available to them through traditional learning avenues. This pilot project was designed to help these organic producers improve their farming operations and to make it possible for less-experienced producers to learn from these pioneers. For more information, go to the Experienced Organic Farmer Network page.


Fostering Community Food Systems and Security

Southern SAWG has put an increased emphasis on developing sustainable food systems in the Southern U.S. — systems that connect farmers who are practicing stewardship to consumers who are supportive of sustainable farming practices. Starting in September 2003, Southern SAWG began providing training and technical assistance to individuals and groups who are developing Community Food Projects. Services include educational sessions at our annual conference, special leadership trainings, compilation of a model handbook, and individualized consulting for developing programs. For more information, go to the Community Food Systems page.


Educating and Empowering Constituents to Organize and Change Policy

Through Farm Policy Education, Southern SAWG increases political and institutional support for sustainable agriculture. We do this by:

  • educating constituents and decision makers;
  • empowering constituents to promote sustainable agriculture to their representatives;
  • monitoring and taking action to ensure agriculture programs are conducted with transparency and accountability; and
  • representing Southern sustainable agriculture priorities at the national level.

We partner with the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, the other regional SAWGs and other sustainable agriculture advocates to create and secure congressional support for new initiatives to positively impact federal agriculture, food and environmental policy. For more information, go to the Farm Policy Education page.


Develop Emerging, Grassroots Leadership

We help Southern producers and other grassroots supporters of sustainable agriculture become leaders by inviting individuals emerging in our network to be presenters at the Southern SAWG conference, participants in policy organizing and educational activities, representatives on USDA program committees, members of Southern SAWG program committees, members of the Southern SAWG Board of Directors, and/or contact people in their locales and states to aid the exchange of critical information between Southern SAWG and our grassroots constituents. 

It is because Southern SAWG considers it necessary to have the talents and expertise of producers and grassroots individuals actively engaged in creating a better food and fiber systems for this country that we provide these new avenues for these individuals to develop skills, share ideas and make a difference.


Promoting Communication and Collaboration between Sustainable Agriculture Farmers, Consumers & Community Organizations

The Southern SAWG program managers and volunteer leaders communicate and partner with hundreds of organizations across the South, through our regular outreach and project work.

We maintain a database of several thousand individuals/organizations that receive timely notifications about important activities and opportunities within Southern SAWG region and the sustainable agriculture movement in the South.

We have created an email distribution list that allows us to get time-sensitive information to hundreds of Southern SAWG constituents quickly. With our email distribution list and this website, we have created avenues that allow us to exchange information with grassroots constituents more readily.

We recognize not everyone uses the internet yet -- that farmers are being left behind in this electronic divide. Our Internet-Based Services program helps more farmers get access to and learn how to take advantage of the free networking, educational and marketing opportunities available through the internet.


Taking Root

Together with other sustainable agriculture organizations our work is taking root.  A new food and fiber system is being created -- one that provides safe and nutritious food for everyone, healthy ecosystems, vibrant rural economies and viable family farms. 

To comment on our work or to learn how you can become involved in these exciting programs and activities, contact us, info@ssawg.org.



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