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Event Logistics Guide

Allow no less than three months to plan a community–wide VERB Activity Zone event. This should allow time to invite other organizations, promote the event, and coordinate logistics. Allow more time if you are planning a large event. The planning period can be shorter if this is part of a larger festival. Holding the VERB Activity Zone event in conjunction with an existing festival or community event is sometimes beneficial because the festival's organizers have primary responsibility for publicity to encourage attendance; however, a downside can be that you place the success of your event outside of your control.

The following pages include logistics and ideas for planning the community–wide VERB Activity Zone event:

  • date and time suggestions
  • venue suggestions
  • suggested exhibitor types
  • equipment and space planning
  • promotions and advertising
  • safety precautions and legalities
  • week–by–week agenda (See Appendix A)

Consider the following variables to help plan your event:

  • How many tweens do you want to—or can you—reach? This will help determine the venue, how many organizations to invite, and how many prizes are needed. (see the Having a Successful Physical Activity Event – Booklet A.)
  • Will this event be held once a year or several times throughout the year? In which season will it be and what are the physical activities that are associated with this time of year in your area?
  • If the VERB Activity Zone is going to be a separate event, select a date that doesn't conflict with major festivals or events. Weekends are recommended.


Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007
Page last modified: August 1, 2007
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health 

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