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Event Logistics Guide


Tweens are at an age during which they are becoming independent and are beginning to make their own decisions. The activities discovered and preferred at this age often become habits and interests into adulthood.

VERB's audience research indicates that tweens are not motivated by the health messages of physical activity. The concept of engaging in healthy behaviors now to prevent chronic diseases in the future is too abstract for tweens. They are motivated to be physically active as a way to have fun, spend time with friends, and try new things. The VERB Activity Zone should speak to tweens in "tween language" such as how cool the VERB Activity Zone is, how much fun being active will be, how they can have fun with friends, and that they have a chance to earn fun prizes.


While tweens don't respond well to messages that present physical activity as a means of preventing diseases, their parents often do. Parents want what is best for their kids, so they respond to health messages, while kids may be turned off by those same messages. That is why it is important to keep your messages to adults separate from messages to tweens. Parents are motivated to get their children active as a way to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and to keep their kids busy with positive activities to reduce their engagement in risky behaviors. They are also motivated to get their children active as a way to increase mental alertness and feelings of wellbeing, which may lead to better mental health or academic performance.

Community–Based Organizations

Organizations can take advantage of the VERB campaign's popularity among tweens by incorporating VERB approaches into their programs. Audience research indicates that tweens think that VERB is cool. Now is the time to offer them opportunities to play and be physically active every day in fun, safe environments. If they develop the play habit now, it could benefit them for a lifetime.



Page last reviewed: August 1, 2007
Page last modified: August 1, 2007
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health 

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United States Department of Health and Human Services
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Youth Media Campaign