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Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography

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R (Continued)

Rubin receives Jansky Lectureship. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 72, Oct. 1994: 14.

Rubin to deliver de Vaucouleurs Lecture. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 66, Aug. 1993: 17.

Rubin wins John Scott Award. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, no. 109, Mar. 2002: 22.
    See also p. 10 of the same issue for a snapshot of Dr. Rubin, who gave the opening invited talk at the society's winter meeting.

Russell Lectureship awarded to Rubin. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 70, June 1994: 5.

Smith, Julian A. Vera Cooper Rubin, 1928-. American astronomer. In Notable twentieth-century scientists. v. 3. L-R. Emily J. McMurray, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1725-1726.
    References (5): p. 1726.
   Q141.N73 1995, v. 3

Sprungman, Barbara, and Leonard David. Spiraling among the stars. Odyssey, v. 3, Mar. 1994: 35-39. col. illus., col. ports.

    An interview with Dr. Vera Rubin. Includes a box, "Mother-Daughter Team," concerning Rubin's daughter, Dr. Judith Young, who is also an astronomer.

Stille, Darlene R. Vera Cooper Rubin. In her Extraordinary women scientists. Chicago, Childrens Press, 1995. p. 172-176. port.
   Q130.S75 1995

Vera Rubin awarded National Medal of Science. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 68, Dec. 1993: 20. group port.

Vera Rubin to chair President's Committee. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 88, Dec. 1997: 10.
    Quotes a White House press release dated Nov. 12, announcing the President's plan to appoint Dr. Rubin to chair his committee on the National Medal of Science.

Yount, Lisa. Vera Cooper Rubin (1928- ). In her Contemporary women scientists. New York, Facts on File, 1994. (American profiles) p. 83-93. illus., ports.
   Q130.Y65 1994
    "Further Reading": p. 93.

Rudneva, Evgeniia Maksimovna

Bronshten, Vitali A. Pamiati pavshikh za rodinu. E. M. Rudneva. In Vsesoiuznoe astronomogeodezicheskoe obshchestvo. Biulleten', no. 1 (8), 1947: 5-6.

Korottsev, O. N. Evgeniia Maksimovna Rudneva. Zemlia i vselennaia, iiul'/avg. 1981: 44-46. facsim., port.
   QB1.Z47, 1981

Rakobol'skaia, Irina V. "Poka stuchit serdtse..." In Astronomiia na krutykh povortakh XX veka. [Redaktor-sostavitel': Eremeeva A. I.] Dubna, Feniks [1997] p. [69]-73. port.

Tiulina, Irina A. Planeta Zheni Rudnevo . Kvant, no. 11, 1977: 38-39. port.
   QA1.K83, 1977
    On the naming of minor planet 1907 for Rudneva.



Sackmann, Inge Juliana

Sackmann, Inge-Juliana. In Who's who in technology. 7th ed. Kimberley A. McGrath, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1065.
   T39.W5 1995
Samo lova-Iakhontova, Nataliia Sergeevna

Chebotarev, Gleb A. Nataliia Sergeevna Samo lova-Iakhontova (k 60-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia). In Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut teoretichesko astronomii. Biuletten', t. 6, no. 9 (82), 1958: 675-680.
   QB1.A17612, v. 6

Nicolaïdis, Efthymios. Nataliya Sergeevna Samojlova-Yakhontova (née en 1896). In his La developpement de l'astronomie en U.R.S.S., 1917-1935. [Paris? 1984?] p. 181.

Samo lova-Iakhontova, Nataliia Sergeevna. In Kolchinski , Il'ia G., Alla A. Korsun', and Modest G. Rodriges. Astronomy; biograficheski spravochnik. Izd. 2, dop. i perer. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1986. p. 281. poert.
   QB35.K58 1986

Sargent, Anneila Isabel

Anneila I. Sargent. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 73, Dec. 1994: 8.
   Brief biography and statement in connection with her candidacy for the office of AAS councilor.

Anneila I. Sargent. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 93, Dec. 1998: 3.
   Brief biography and statement in connection with her candidacy for the office of AAS president.

Sargent, Anneila I. In Who's who in technology. 7th ed. Kimberley A. McGrath, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1079.
   T39.W5 1995

Savage, Ann

Dr. Ann Savage. In Parkes: thirty years of radio astronomy. Edited by D. E. Goddard and D. K. Milne. Melbourne, CSIRO, 1994. p. 158.
   Short biographical sketch.

Savage, Ann. Wild, Woolley and Savage -- or how John Bolton and I went hunting for quasars and QSOs. Australian journals of physics, v. 47, no. 5, 1994: 589-597.
   QC1.A85, v. 47
   References (34): p. 596-597.

Savage, Ann, Dr. In Australian men and women of science, engineering and technology. Reed Reference Australia in association with the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. [Port Melbourne, Vic., Reed Reference Australia; New Providence, NJ, R R Bowker, distributor, 1995] p. 474.
   Q141.A78 1995

Sawyer, Constance Bragdon Warwick

Sawyer, Constance B. In Who's who in technology. 7th ed. Kimberley A. McGrath, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1085.
   T39.W5 1995

Scarpellini Fabri, Caterina

Conti Armellini, Gabriella. Memorie dell'Osservatorio di Roma: Caterina Scarpellini. In Osservatorio astronomico di Roma. Calendario. nuova serie, v. 6; 1930. Bologna, N. Zanichelli, p. 77-81. plate.

Dragoni, Giorgio, Silvio Bergia, and Giovanni Gottardi. Scarpellini, Febri Caterina (Foligno, Perugia 29.10.1808-25.11.1873). In their Dizionario biografico degli scienziati e dei tecnici. [Bologna] Zanichelli [1999] p. 1294.
   Q141.D73 1999

Foderà Serio, Giorgia, and Donatella Randazzo. Scarpellini Fabri, Caterina (1808, 1873). In their Astronomi italiani dall'unità d'Italia ai nostri giorni: un primo elenco. [Firenze] Società astronomica italiana editore [1997] p. 98-99.
   A small portrait appears on the outside front cover of the volume.

Schmelz, Joan T.

Joan T. Schmelz. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 83, Dec. 1996: 7.
    Brief biography and statement in connection with her candidacy for the AAS Nominating Committee.

Seitter, Waltraut Carola

Seitter, Waltraut. In Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender 1996. Bio-bibliographisches Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Wissenschaftler der Gegenwart. 17. Ausg. Medizin. Naturwissenschaften. Technik. Berlin, New York, W. de Gruyter, 1996. p. 1308.
   Z6661.G3K87, 1996


Sellgren, Kristin

[Newton Lacy Pierce awarded to Kristen Sellgren] Physics today, v. 43, May 1990: 96. port.
   The portrait appears on p. 95.
   QC1.P658, v. 43

The Newton Lacy Pierce Prize was awarded to Kristen Sellgren. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 49, Mar. 1990: 6-7. port.
   See also the photograph reproduced in issue 51, Aug. 1990, p. 19.

Semenova, Taisiia Semenova

Gordon, IA. E. Taisiia Semenova Semenova. Astronomicheski tsirkuliar, no. 200, marta 30, 1959: 28.
   QB1.A466, 1959

Sha n, Pelageia Fedorovna

Dobronravin, P. P. Grigori Abramovich i Pelageia Fedorovna Shain. Peremennye zvezdy, t. 11, noiabr' 1956 p.: 321-324.
   QB835.P4, v. 11

Pelagiia Fedorovna Sha n (nekrolog). In Akademiia nauk SSSR. Krymskaia astrofizicheskaia observatoriia. Izvestiia. t. 17. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1957. p. 11-13. port.
   QB1.A17642, v. 17

Shane, Mary Lea Heger

Kron, Gerald E. Mary Lea Shane. Physics today, v. 37, Feb. 1984: 80. port.
   QC1.P658, v. 37

Mary Lea Shane (1897-1983). Sky & telescope, v. 66, Oct. 1983: 293.
   QB1.S536, v. 66

Osterbrock, Donald E. Mary Lea Shane (1897-1983). Journal for the history of astronomy, v. 15, Feb. 1984: 74.
   QB15.J68, v. 15

Shapley, Martha Betz

Kopal, Zden k. In memoriam: Martha Betz Shapley (1890-1981). Astrophysics and space science, v. 79, Oct. 1981: 261-264. port.
   QB460.A876, v. 79
   The portrait faces p. 261.

Martha Betz Shapley. New York times, v. 130, Jan. 27, 1981: B19.

Martha Betz Shapley. Radcliffe quarterly, v. 67, June 1981: 44.
   LH1.R2Q8, v. 67

Welther, Barbara L. Guilt by association: how Mrs. Harlow Shapley lost her job. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 18, no. 4, 1986: 1055.
   QB1.A255, v. 18
   Abstract of a paper presented at the Society's 169th meeting, Jan. 4-8, 1987, in Pasadena, California.

Welther, Barbara L. Martha Betz Shapley: first lady of Harvard College Observatory, 1921-1952. In American Association of Variable Star Observers. Journal, v. 15, no. 2, 1986: 282.
   QB835.A455, v. 12
    Abstract of a paper presented at the association's 75th meeting, Aug. 6-9, 1986, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Shoemaker, Carolyn Jean Spellmann

The Asteroid patrol. Time, v. 141, Feb. 1, 1993: 58. col. port.
   AP2.T37, v. 141
   About Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker.

Bailey, Martha J. Shoemaker, Caroline (Spellmann) [sic] In her American women in science, 1950 to the present; a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO [1998] p. 365-366.
   Bibliography: p. 366.
   Q141.B254 1998

Barnes-Svarney, Patricia L. Eugene & Carolyn Shoemaker. Ad astra, v. 3, July/Aug. 1991: 54. port.
   The portrait depicts Eugene only.
   TL787.A277, v. 3

Carolyn tops Caroline in comet discoveries. Sky & telescope, v. 75, June 1988: 582. port.
   QB1.S536, v. 75

Davies, John. Interplanetary geologists. Astronomy now, v. 7, Feb. 1993: 48-49. illus.
   "Carolyn and Gene Shoemaker (as in comets) discover asteroids for a living. In particular, they look for Trojan asteroids. Gene explains their motivation and how it all began."

From meteor crater to Palomar. Astronomy, v. 21, June 1993: 13, 16-17. ports.
   QB1.A7998, v. 21
   Robert Reeves interviews the Shoemakers. Carolyn Shoemaker's remarks appear on p. 16-17.

Levy, David H. Eagle-eyed Carolyn: 30 comets and counting. In his The quest for comets; an explosive trail of beauty and danger. New York, Plenum Press [1994] p. 155-165. illus., group port.
   QB721.4.L48 1994

Levy, David H. StarTrails. Sky & telescope, v. 81, June 1991: 658-659. col. port.
   QB1.S536, v. 81
   Chiefly about Carolyn Shoemaker and her comet discoveries.

Mestel, Rosie. Night of the strangest comet. New scientist, v. 143, July 9, 1994: 23-25. col. ports.
    Q1.N52, v. 143
   About Carolyn Shoemaker and her comet discoveries, particularly Shoemaker-Levy 9.

The Queen of comet finders. Sky & telescope, v. 81, Apr. 1991: 470.
   QB1.S536, v. 81
   Carolyn Shoemaker discovers her 22d comet.

Min, Janice, and Amy R. New. Out of this world: astronomers Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker spot a colossal comet set to smash into Jupiter. People weekly, v. 42, July 18, 1994: 74-75. illus., group port.
   AP2.P417, v. 42

Shoemaker, Carolyn S. Twelve years on the Palomar 18-inch Schmidt. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 90, Feb. 1996: 18-41. illus., group port.
    References (17): p. 40-41.

Shoemaker, Carolyn S. Untitled remarks [on the search for comets and asteroids] In Liller, William. The Cambridge guide to astronomical discovery. [Cambridge, New York] Cambridge University Press [1992] p. 114-115. port.
   QB64.L55 1992
    Since Sept. 1982 Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker have been conducting regular searcher for comets and near-earth asteroids.
    The portrait appears on p. 116.

Shoemaker, Carolyn S. Ups and downs in planetary science. In Annual review of earth and planetary sciences. v. 27; 1999. Palo Alto, Calif., Annual Reviews. p. 1-17. port.
    The portrait faces p. 1.

Shoemaker, Carolyn Spellmann. In Who's who in science and engineering. 3d ed. 1996-1997. New Providence, NJ, Marquis Who's Who, 1996. p. 914.
    Q141.W576 1996/97

Shoemakers honored by the NAS. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 89, Mar. 1998: 7. group port.
    "Caro1yn S. Shoemaker of Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz., and the late Eugene M. Shoemaker will share the James Craig Watson Medal" to be presented Apr. 27 by the National Academy of Sciences.

Shtaude, Nina Mikha lovna

Bronsht n, Vitali A. Nina Shtaud. Zemlia i vselennaia, sent./okt. 1991: 68-74. ports. (Vosstanavlivaia stranitsky istorii, ocherk shesto )
   QB1.Z47, 1991

Shtaude, Nina M. Avtobiografiia. In Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniia. Na rubezhakh poznaniia vselenno . vyp. 22; 1990. Moskva, "Nauka." p. [395]-466. ports.
   Introduction by N. N. Pari ski : p. [395]-396.


Sitterly, Charlotte Emma Moore

Bailey, Martha J. Sitterly, Charlotte Emma Moore (1898-1990), astronomer. In her American women in science, a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 1994. p. 359-360.
   Q141.B25 1994

Charlotte Sitterly. In The Annual obituary 1990. Editor, Deborah Andrews. Chicago, St James Press, 1991. p. 203-205.
   CT120.A56 1990

Garton, William P. S., and William C. Martin. C. M. Sitterly (1898-1990). In Royal Astronomical Society. Quarterly journal, v. 32, June 1991: 209-210.
   QB1.R732, v. 32

Kessler, Karl G. Dr. Charlotte Moore Sitterly and the National Bureau of Standards. Journal of the Optical Society of America, B, optical physics, v. 5, Oct. 1988: 2043. port.
   QC392.J68, v. 5

Martin, William C. Charlotte Moore Sitterly. Physics today, v. 44, Apr. 1991: 128, 130. port.
   QC1.P658, v. 44

Morrison, Nancy D., and Andrew Fraknoi. The 1990 A.S.P. awards. The Bruce Medal to Charlotte Moore Sitterly. Mercury, v. 19, Nov./Dec. 1990: 179-181.
   QB1.M43, v. 19

Roman, Nancy G. Charlotte Moore Sitterly, 24 September 1898-3 March 1990. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 23, no. 4, 1991: 1492-1494.
   QB1.A255, v. 23

The Second award of the Annie J. Cannon Prize ... has been made to Mrs. Bancroft W. Sitterly. Observatory, v. 61, June 1938: 172.

Sitterly, Charlotte Moore. In Current biography yearbook. 1962. Edited by Charles Moritz. New York, H. W. Wilson Co., 1963. p. 391-393. port.
   CT100.C8, 1962

Slight-Gibney, Nancy. Charlotte Emma Moore Sitterly (1898-1990), astrophysicist. In Notable women in the physical sciences, a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1997. p. 375-381. port.
   Q141.N734 1997
   Notes (4): p. 380. Bibliography: p. 380-381.

Sullivan, Walter. Charlotte Sitterly, physicist, devoted career to sunlight studies. New York times, v. 139, Mar. 8, 1990: D25. port.
    Reprinted in the New York Times Biographical Service, v. 21, Mar. 1990, p. 235 (CT120.N45, v. 21).

Tousey, Richard. The solar spectrum from Fraunhofer to Skylab - an appreciation of the contribution of Charlotte E. Moore Sitterly. Journal of the Optical Society of America, B, optical physics, v. 5, Oct. 1988: 2230-2236.
   QC392.J68, v. 5
   References (34): p. 2235-2236.

Wilson, Philip K. Charlotte E. Moore, 1898-1990. American astrophysicist. In Notable twentieth-century scientists. v. 3. L-R. Emily J. McMurray, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1410-1411. port.
   Q141.N73 1995, v. 3
   References (2): p. 1411.

Slocum, Lois Tripp

Death of Dr. Lois T. Slocum. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Publications, v. 63, Oct. 1951: 263.
   QB1.A4, v. 63

Dr. Lois Tripp Slocum. New York times, v. 100, May 26, 1951: 17.

Lois T. Slocum. Smith alumnae quarterly, v. 42, Aug. 1951: 227.
   LH1.S5S6, v. 42

Slonim, Iudif' Moiseevna

Slonim, Iudif' Moiseevna. In Kolchinski , Il'ia G., Alla A. Korsun', and Modest G. Rodriges. Astronomy; biograficheski spravochnik. Izd. 2, dop. i perer. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1986. p. 291. port.
   QB35.K58 1986

Smith, Diane P.

Smith, Diane P. In Who's who in technology. 7th ed. Kimberley A. McGrath, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 1159.
   T39.W5 1995

Smith, Elske Van Panhuys

Bailey, Martha J. Smith, Elske (Van Panhuys). In her American women in science, 1950 to the present; a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO [1998] p. 372-373.
   Q141.B254 1998
   Bibliography: p. 373.

Noted solar physicist. In The Women's book of world records and achievements. Edited by Lois Decker O'Neill. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1979. p. 153.
   About Elske Van Panhuys Smith.

Somerville, Mary Fairfax Greig

Basalla, George. Mary Somerville, a neglected popularizer of science. New scientists, v. 17, Mar. 7, 1963: 531-533. ports.
   Q1.N52, v. 17

Boase, Frederic. Somerville, Mary. In his Modern English biography, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since the year 1850, with an index of the most interesting matter. v. 3. R-Z. Truro, Netherton and Worth, 1901. column 669.
   CT773.B612, v. 3

Bruck, Mary T. Mary Somerville, mathematician and astronomer of underused talents. In British Astronomical Association, London. Journal, v. 106, Aug. 1996: 201-206. illus., facsims., ports.
    References (22): p. 206.

Chambers, William. Mary Somerville. In his Stories of remarkable persons. Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, 1878. p. 24-36.

Hamer, Sarah S. H. Mrs. Somerville. In her Mrs. Somerville and Mary Carpenter, by Phyllis Browne [pseud.] London, Cassell, 1892. (The world's workers) p. 5-60. port. (front.)

Martineau, Harriet. Mrs. Somerville. In her Biographical sketches. 1852-1875. 4th ed., enl., with autobiographical sketch. London, Macmillan, 1876. p. 488-499.

Mary Somerville. In Scientists: their lives and works. v. 5. Marie C. Ellavich, editor. Detroit, U.X.L. [1998] p. 164-169. port.
   Q141.S3717 1996, v. 5
   "Further Reading": p. 169.

Mrs. Mary Somerville. Graphic, v. 6, Dec. 14, 1872: 563.
   AP4.G7, v. 6
   A portrait appears on p. 568.


S, continued

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