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Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography

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H (Continued)

Marlow, Joan. Caroline Herschel (1750-1848), astronomer. In her The great women. New York, A & W Publishers, 1979. p. 28-32. port.

Mary Thomas à Kempis, Sister. Caroline Herschel. Scripta mathematica, v. 21, Dec. 1955: 237-251. port.
   QA1.S35, v. 21
   Bibliographic footnotes.

Mikkelsen, Aslaug. Søsterkaerlighed og videnskab. Carolina Herschel. Gads danske magasin, 42. aarg., dec. 1948: 657-664.
    AP42.G3, v. 42
   Reprinted, with a portrait, in Nordisk astronomisk tidsskrift, no. 3, 1949, p. 81-88.

Norris, Carol B. Caroline Herschel (1750-1848), astronomer. In Notable women in the physical sciences, a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1997. p. 178-181.
    Q141.N734 1997
   Notes (4): p. 180-181.
   Bibliography: p. 181.

Ogilvie, Marilyn B. Caroline Herschel's contribution to astronomy. Annals of science, v. 32, Mar. 1975: 149-161.
   Q1.A616, v. 32
   Bibliographic footnotes

Osen, Lynn M. Caroline Herschel. In her Women in mathematics. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1974. p. 71-81. port.
    QA28.O83 1974

Payne, Alma S. Sky sweepers: Sir William Herschel (1738-1822); Caroline Herschel (1750-1848). In her Partners in science. Illustrated by Polly Bolian. Cleveland, World Pub. Co., 1968. p. 122-147. illus., ports.
   Bibliography: p. 146-147.

Phillips, Patricia. Caroline Herschel. In her The scientific lady: a social history of women's scientific interests, 1520-1918. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1990. p. 159-162.
   Q130.P53 1990

Rall, Gloria D. In her brother's shadow: the story of Caroline Herschel. Griffith observer, v. 63, Jan. 1998: 2-10: illus. (part col.), ports.
   References (6): p. 10.

Robinson, Ella M. W. Stars in her heart. Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Pub. Association, 1971. 127 p. illus.

Roscoe, Theodora. Caroline Herschel, astronomer. Contemporary review, v. 169, Apr. 1946: 232-236.
   AP4.C7, v. 169

Roy, Jean R. Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750-1848). In his L'astronomie et son histoire. Québec, Presses de l'Université du Québec; Paris, New York, Masson, 1982. p. 154-155. port.
   QB15.R67 1982

Schleyer, W. Lucretia Karoline Herschel. Geb. am 16. März 1750. In Vereinigung von Freunden der Astronomie und kosmischen Physik. Mitteilungen, 10. Jahrg., Mai 1900: 44-47.
   QB1.V4, v. 10

South, Sir James. An address delivered at the annual general meeting of the Astronomical Society of London, on February 8, 1828, on presenting the honorary medal to Miss Caroline Herschel. In Royal Astronomical Society. Memoirs. v. 3, pt. 2. London, Priestley and Weale, 1829. p. [409]-412.
   QB1.R5, v. 3

Stott, Carole. Caroline Herschel. In her Into the unknown. New York, Hampstead Press, 1989. p. 16-19. illus. (part col.), ports.
   QB36.H58S86 1989
   See index for additional page references.
   Also mentioned are Margaret Bryan, Elisabetha Hevelius, Mary Somerville, Janet Taylor, and Maria Winckelmann.

Turner, Anthony J. Some comments by Caroline Herschel on the use of the 40ft telescope. Journal for the history of astronomy, v. 8, Oct. 1977: 196-198.
   QB1.J68, v. 8
   References (10): p. 197-198.
   Quotes part of a letter from Caroline Herschel to her nephew, John F. W. Herschel.

Wise, Daniel. Caroline Lucretia Herschel. In his Some remarkable women; a book for young ladies. Cincinnati, Cranston and Stowe, 1887. p. 221-245.

Wolf, Graham W. Caroline Lucretia Herschel: outstanding, pioneering female astronomer. Southern stars, v. 37, Dec. 1997: 187-193.
   References (7): p. 193.

Hevelius, Elisabetha Koopman

Alic, Margaret. Elisabetha Koopman Hevelius, 1647-1693. Polish astronomer. In Notable women scientists. Pamela Proffitt, editor. Detroit, Gale Group [1999] p. 236.
   Q141.N736 1999
   References (4): p. 236.

Iwaniszewska, Cecylia. Astronomer, wife, mother, administrator: Elisabeth Hevelius had it all. IAU today, no. 7, Aug. 8, 1988: 7.

Hewitt, Jacqueline N.

Hewitt wins Cannon Award. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 48, Dec. 1989: 11-12.

Ockenfels, Frank. Jacqueline Hewitt, astrophysicist, Princeton, N.J., b. 9/4/58. Esquire, v. 110, Dec. 1988: 102. port.
   AP2.E845, v. 110

Stevens, Monica, and Pamela Proffitt. Jacqueline N. Hewitt, 1958-. American astrophysicist. In Notable twentieth-century scientists. Supplement. Kristine M. Krapp, editor. Detroit, Gale [1998] p. 202-204.
   Q141.N73 1995, Suppl.
   "Selected Writings by Hewitt": p. 203.
   "Further Reading": p. 203-204.

Stevens, Monica, and Pamela Proffitt. Jacqueline N. Hewitt, 1958-. American astrophysicist. In Notable women scientists. Pamela Proffitt, editor. Detroit, Gale Group [1999], p. 236-238.
   Q141.N736 1999
   References (19): p. 237-238.

Hill, Sarah Jeannette

Stavis, Laurel. Sarah J. Hill, 1909-1996. In American Astronomical Society. Bulletin, v. 28, no. 4, 1996: 1451-1452. port.

Hillenbrand, Lynne Anne

Hillenbrand, Lynne Anne. In Who's who in science and engineering. 3d ed. 1996-1997. New Providence, N.J., Marquis Who's Who, 1996. p. 425.
   Q141.W576 1996/97

Hobe, Adelaide M.

Death of Miss Adelaide M. Hobe. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Publications, v. 51, Feb. 1939: 63-64.

Hoffleit, Ellen Dorrit

Bailey, Martha J. Hoffleit, Ellen Dorrit (1907- ), astronomer. In her American women in science, a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 1994. p. 163-164.
   Q141.B25 1994

Cavette, Christopher J. Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit, 1907- . American astronomer. In Notable women scientists. Pamela Proffitt, editor. Detroit, Gale Group [1999] p. 245-246.
    Q141.N736 1999
   References (9): p. 246.

De Vorkin, David H. A conference in honor of Dorrit Hoffleit's 90th birthday. H.A.D. news, no. 40, May 1997: 2-4.

Dorrit Hoffleit. Radcliffe quarterly, v. 64, June 1978: 31-32.
   LH1.R2Q8, v. 64
   Notes her retirement as director of the Maria Mitchell Observatory.

Dorrit Hoffleit has been selected for the second annual Annenberg Foundation Award in Education. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 64, Mar. 1993: 6. port.

E. Dorrit Hoffleit. Smith alumnae quarterly, v. 75, summer 1984: 7. port.
   LH1.S5S6, v. 75
    Smith College awards the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa.
   The portrait is on p. 6.

Foster, Robin. Who's who in astronomy: Dorrit Hoffleit. Traditions of excellence. Star & sky, v. 1, July 1979: 15-19. illus., ports.

Girard, Terry. Hoffleit's 90th celebrated with a symposium. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 85, June 1997: 7. port.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. From early sadness to happy old age. Comments on astrophysics, v. 18, no. 4, 1996: 207-221.


Hoffleit, Dorrit. Kind stars. Radcliffe quarterly, v. 72, Sept. 1986: 29-30. port.
   LH1.R2Q8, v. 72
   Reminiscences about student days.

Hoffleit, Dorrit. Some glimpses from my career. Mercury, v. 21, Jan./Feb. 1992: 16-18. illus., port.
   QB1.M43, v. 21

Hoffleit, Dorrit. In Who's who in technology. 7th ed. Kimberley A. McGrath, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 509.
   T39.W5 1995

Hoffleit, Ellen Dorrit. In Who's who in science and engineering. 3d ed. 1996-1997. New Providence, N.J., Marquis Who's Who, 1996. p. 432.
   Q141.W576 1996/97

Hoffleit receives Van Biesbroeck Award. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 41, Aug. 1988: 13.

Larsen, Kristine M. E. Dorrit Hoffleit (1907- ), astronomer. In Notable women in the physical sciences, a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1997. p. 186-191.
   Q141.N734 1997
   Notes (16): p. 190.
   Bibliography: p. 191.

Levy, David H. Astronomy's first lady. Sky & telescope, v. 97, Feb. 1999: 89-90. col. ports. (Star trails)
   QB1.S536, v. 97

Welther, Barbara L. A celebration for Dorrit Hoffleit. In American Association of Variable Star Observers. Journal, v. 6, no. 2, 1977: 76.
   QB835.A455, v. 6
   On the festivities honoring Dr. Hoffleit near the end of her directorship of the Maria Mitchell Observatory.
   Dr. Hoffleit's response to the tribute appears on p. 77.

Hogg-Priestley, Helen Battles Sawyer

Ainley, Marianne G. Marriage and scientific work in twentieth-century Canada: the Berkeleys in marine biology and the Hoggs in astronomy. In Creative couples in the sciences. Helena M. Pycior, Nancy G. Slack, and Pnina G. Abir-Am, editors. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, [1996] (Lives of women in science) p. 143-155. ports.
   Q141.C68 1996
   References (55): p. 316-319.
   A photograph of Helen and Frank Hogg and their children is reproduced on the sixth page of plates (following p. 176).

Bailey, Martha J. Hogg, Helen Battles Sawyer (1905- ), astronomer. In her American women in science, a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO, 1994. p. 164-165.
   Q141.B25 1994

Better star-gazing at Williston Observatory. Mount Holyoke alumnae quarterly, v. 56, winter 1973: 308-309. port.
   The picture shows Dr. Helen Sawyer Hogg with the new 24-inch reflector.
   Dr. Hogg participated in the dedication.

Broughton, R. Peter. Helen Hogg (1905-93). In his Looking up: a history of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1994. p. 47. port.
   Other portraits appear elsewhere in the volume, on p. 16, 33, 94, 115, and 244.

Clement, Christine M., and R. Peter Broughton. Helen Sawyer Hogg, 1905-1993. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 87, Dec. 1993: 351-356. port.
   References (3): p. 356.
   See also "A Memorial in Honour of Helen Sawyer Hogg" on p. 393 of the same issue.

Helen Sawyer Hogg Priestly [sic] Radcliffe quarterly, v. 76, Mar. 1990: 38. port.
   LH1.R2Q8, v. 76
   Brief note on the dedication by the National Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa of the Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory.

Helen Sawyer Hogg ‘26. Mount Holyoke alumnae quarterly, v. 36, Nov. 1952: 89.
   LH1.M915, v. 36
   Text of the citation for the distinguished achievement award presented at the college convocation in October.
   Dr. Hogg is included in a group portrait of the award winners which appears on p. 87.

Helen Sawyer Hogg visitorship established. In American Astronomical Society. AAS newsletter, 66, Aug. 1993: 19-20.

Hogg-Priestley, Helen Battles Sawyer. In The International who's who of women. London, Europa Publications, 1992. p. 198.

Millman, Peter M. Hogg-Priestley, Helen Battles, née Sawyer. In The Canadian encyclopedia. 2d ed. v. 2. Edu-Min. Edmonton, Hurtig [1988] p. 1001. port.
   F1006.C35 1988, v. 2

Morrison, David D., and Andrew Fraknoi. Profile: the 1983 A.S.P. award winners. The Klumpke-Roberts award [to Helen Sawyer Hogg] Mercury, v. 12, Nov./Dec. 1983: 185-186. port.
   QB1.M43, v. 12
   Also reported in Physics Today, v. 37, Mar. 1984, p. 111-112 (QC1.P658, v. 37).

Opalko, Jane. Helen Sawyer Hogg (1905-1993), astronomer. In Notable women in the physical sciences, a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1997. p. 191-196. port.
   Q141.N734 1997
   Bibliography: p. 196.

Pipher, Judith L. Helen Sawyer Hogg (1905-1993). In Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Publications, v. 105, Dec. 1993: 1369-1372. port.
   QB1.A4, v. 105
   References (9): p. 1372.

Seaquist, Ernest R. Dedication of University of Toronto's 61 cm telescope in Chile in honor of Professor Helen Sawyer Hogg. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 86, Dec. 1992: 332-333.

Stille, Darlene R. Helen (Battles) Sawyer Hogg. In her Extraordinary women scientists. Chicago, University Press, 1995. p. 88-90. port.
   Q130.S75 1995

Thaler, Sebastian. Helen Sawyer Hogg, 1905-1993. American-born Canadian astronomer. In Notable twentieth-century scientists. v. 2. F-K. Emily J. McMurray, editor. New York, Gale Research [1995] p. 943-944.
    Q141.N73 1995, v. 2
   References (5): p. 944.

Thaler, Sebastian. Helen Sawyer Hogg, 1905-1993. American-born Canadian astronomer. In Notable women scientists. Pamela Proffitt, editor. Detroit, Gale Group [1999] p. 247-248. port.
   Q141.N736 1999
   References (11): p. 248.

Watchman. American magazine, v. 129, Mar. 1940: 84. illus.
   AP2.A346, v. 129
   A paragraph about Helen Sawyer Hogg and her work on variable stars.

Webb, Michael. Helen Sawyer Hogg: a lifetime of stargazing. Mississauga, Ont., Copp Clark Pitman, 1991. [ 32] p. col. illus., maps (part col.), ports. (part col.) (Scientists and inventors series) See the review in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, v. 85, Oct. 1991, p. 286-287
   (QB1.R485, v. 85).

Yost, Edna. Helen Sawyer Hogg. In her Women of modern science. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1959. p. 31-47.

Hopkins, Jeanne

In memoriam: Jeanne Hopkins (1923-1984). Astrophysical journal, v. 286, Nov. 1, 1984: 1.
   QB1.A9, v. 286


Hopkins, Mary Murray

Department of Astronomy. Smith alumnae quarterly, v. 12, July 1921: 304.
   LH1.S5S6, v. 12
   An obituary of Mary Murray Hopkins, a member of the department's teaching staff from 1906.
    Another notice, signed M. C. H., appears with notes for the class of 1899, on p. 353 of the same issue.

Hopkins, Mary Murray. In Women's who's who of America. A biographical dictionary of contemporary women of the United States and Canada. 1914-1915. John William Leonard, editor-in-chief. New York, American Commonwealth Co. [1914] p. 403.

Hu, Esther M.

Parker, Barry. Esther Hu. In his Stairway to the stars; the story of the world's largest observatory. Drawings by Lori Scoffield. New York, Plenum Press [1994] p. 255-260. port.
   QB82.U62M387 1994

Hüttemeister, Susanne

Susanne Hüttemeister. In 7 Hügel; Bilder und Zeichen des 21. Jahrhunderts. 3. Weltraum: Sonnen, Monde, Galaxien: Aufbruch ins Unbekannte. Hrsg. von Bodo-Michael Baumunk und Ralf Bülow. [Berlin] Henschel/Berliner Festspiele [2000] p. 127.
   Q161.7.A15 2000, v. 3

Huggins, Lady, Margaret Lindsay Murray

Alic, Margaret. Margaret Lindsay (Murray) Huggins, 1854-1915. Irish-English astronomer. In Notable women scientists. Pamela Proffitt, editor. Detroit, Gale Group [1999] p. 258-259.
   References (7): p. 259.
   Q141.N736 1999

Becker, Barbara J. Dispelling the myth of the able assistant: Margaret and William Huggins at work in the Tulse Hill Observatory. In Creative couples in the sciences. Helena M. Pycior, Nancy G. Slack, and Pnina G. Abir-Am, editors. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, [1996] ( Lives of women in science) p. 98-111. ports.
   Q141.C68 1996
   References (64): p. 308-311.
   The portraits appear on the fourth page of plates (following p. 176).

Brück, Mary T., and Ian Elliott. The family background of Lady Huggins (Margaret Lindsay Murray). Irish astronomical journal, v. 20, Mar. 1992: 210-211. port.
   QB1.I753, v. 20

Cannon, Annie J. Lady Huggins. Observatory, v. 38, Aug. 1915: 323-234.
   QB1.O2, v. 38

Chant, Clarence A. Death of Lady Huggins. In Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Journal, v. 9, Apr. 1915: 149-150. port.
   QB1.R485, v. 9
   The portrait faces p. 149.

Lady Huggins. In British Astronomical Association, London. Journal, v. 25, Apr. 1915: 308.
   QB1.B75, v. 25

Lady Huggins. Observatory, v. 38, June 1915: 254-256.
   QB1.O2, v. 38

Lady Huggins. Her work in astronomy. Times (London), Mar. 25, 1915: 10.

Lady Huggins dies in London. New York times, v. 64, Mar. 26, 1915: 13.

McKenna-Lawlor, Susan M. P. Margaret Lindsay Huggins (1848-1915), pioneering astrophysicist. In her Whatever shines should be observed (quicquid nited notandum). Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Samton, 1998. (Samton historical studies, no. 3) p. 75-129. illus., facsims., ports.
    Bibliography: p. 124-125.

Newall, Hugh F. Dame Margaret Lindsay Huggins. In Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly notices, v. 76, Feb. 1916: 278-282.
   QB1.R7, v. 76

Ogilvie, Marilyn B. Marital collaboration: an approach to science. In Uneasy careers and intimate lives: women in science, 1789-1979. Edited by Pnina G. Abir-Am and Dorinda Outram. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press [1987] (The Douglass series on women's lives and the meaning of gender) p. [104]-125. ports.
   Q130.U525 1987
   References (58): p. 311-314.
   Includes discussion of Margaret and William Huggins.

Richardson, Robert S. Lady Huggins. In his The star lovers. New York, Macmillan Co., 1967. p. 157-162. illus., port.

Whiting, Sarah F. Lady Huggins. Science, new ser., v. 41, June 11, 1915: 853-855.
   Q1.S35, n.s., v. 41

Humphreys, Roberta Marie

Morrison, Deane. Starry, starry nights. Minnesota, v. 86, Mar./Apr. 1987: 35-36. col. port.
   About Roberta M. Humphreys, professor of astronomy at the University of Minnesota.

Roberta M. Humphreys. In American Astronomical Society. A AS newsletter, 88, Dec. 1997: 6.
   Brief biography and statement in connection with her candidacy for the AAS Nominating Committee.

Hunter, Deidre Ann

ASP Bruce Medal to Wilson; Trumpler Award to Hunter. Physics today, v. 37, Dec. 1984: 80.
   QC1.P658, v. 37

Wolff, Sidney C., and Andrew Fraknoi. The 1984 A.S.P. award winners. The Trumpler Prize [to Deidre Hunter] Mercury, v. 13, Nov./Dec. 1984: 188. port.
   QB1.M43, v. 13

Hurless, Carolyn J.

Mattei, Janet A., Carolyn J. Hurless, 1934-1987: AAVSO's enthusiastic ambassador. In American Association of Variable Star Observers. Journal, v. 16, no. 1, 1987: 35-36.
   QB35.A455, v. 16

Williams, Thomas R. Carolyn J. Hurless. In Variable star research, an international perspective. Proceedings of the first European meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers: international cooperation and coordination in variable star research. Edited by John R. Percy, Janet Akyuz Mattei, Christiaan Sterken. Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1992. p. 24-25.
   QB833.V37 1992
   A short sketch in his paper, "Some Little Known Variable Star Astronomers From Around the World.


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