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Contact Us

Southern SAWG is dedicated to the things YOU care about -- a better, safer, and more equitable, food and fiber system. We are dedicated to family farmers being able to make a decent living, all citizens being able to have healthy, safe and nutritious food, and a clean environment that can support many generations to come. And we are making it happen!

You too can help make it happen. You can respond to our action alerts, volunteer time to help in many ways with Southern SAWG programs, serve on the Southern SAWG Board, make a donation, tell others about our work, etc.

Be one of those invaluable individuals who makes a difference in this world by advancing sustainable agriculture.

Contact us to learn more about Southern SAWG, to learn more about how you can be involved, or to make suggestions for our organization.

For a list of Southern SAWG Program Managers and their contact information, click here.

For a list of Southern SAWG Board members and their contact information, click here.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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