The Chronicle of Higher Education
Community Colleges

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Colleges — community colleges in particular — play a vital role in preparing local economies and individuals for the imminent Base Realignment and Closure Plan, under which military facilities nationwide will be expanded, shuttered, or refigured. Tyrone Powers (above) directs the Homeland Security and Criminal Justice Institute at Anne Arundel Community College, which is expanding the program in concert with the imminent growth of nearby Fort Meade, in Maryland. (Photograph by Jay Premack)

Selected Articles

INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH: A State Department program brings foreign students to the United States to study at community colleges.

BUDGET BLUES: Annual state appropriations for higher education inched up by less than 1 percent for the 2009 fiscal year.

CAMPUS CRUNCH TIME: An annual report by Moody's predicts stiff challenges for colleges in the next year.

PRINCETON TO D.C.: President-elect Obama reportedly plans to name a prominent scholar of the economics of education to his Council of Economic Advisers.


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Also of Interest

Facts & Figures:

Faculty salaries, 1999-2006

Average college costs

Issues in Depth:

Distance education