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Newsletter Groups

Newsletter Description
Hands-On With Science Newsletter An Applied Science Education Newsletter for Teachers
Curious Gardener This newsletter is published on a quarterly basis and contain many articles developed by Master Gardeners from Placer and Nevada Counties
Food Safety Update
Foodlines for Professionals
FoothillMARKETING A newsletter for producers and consumers interested in local and direct marketing.
Foothill Rancher A newsletter for small and large livestock producers
KidFood Newsletter KidFood newsletter informs families about good nutrition for children and offers quick and easy kid friendly recipes. KidFood is FREE to Placer County families with children 2-5 years old.
Nevada County 4H Newsletter
Placer County 4H Newsletter A monthly newsletter with information on what's happening in Placer County 4-H.
Nutrition News A quarterly newsletter to help teachers, administrators, and students be aware of how important it is to mainatin a healthy lifestyle.
Preschool Nutrition News A quarterly newsletter to help preschool teachers, administrators, and students be aware of how important it is to mainatin a healthy lifestyle.
Ready to Succeed Newsletter for Professionals This bi-monthly newsletter for early childhood educators contains articles related to early literacy and school readiness. Also included: craft projects, songs, poems, games, recipes, & book lists.
Real Dirt This is an internal master gardener newsletter. Master Gardeners may access the newsletter through the VMS site.
4-H Childcare Newsletter for the 4-H Childcare Program.