The Society of American Archivists
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Society of
American Archivists

17 North State Street
Suite 1425
Chicago, IL 60602-3315
tel 312/606-0722
fax 312/606-0728
toll-free 866/722-7858


Administer My Lists

Official SAA E-Mail Lists


The Society of American Archivists hosts a variety of public and private lists. Subscriptions to all lists, including those open to nonmembers, are facilitated via an individual's “SAA profile” or database record. Access to certain lists is dependent on one's member and/or committee status.

To subscribe to and/or modify your permitted lists, please click here.

(Note: Requires login. If you do not have an SAA profile, please see below for instructions.)

To view the discussion forum and archives for your lists, please log in to the SAA list server Web interface using your email address and your SAA password and click the "My Forums" button.

(Note: If you use the same email address for all of your list subscriptions, all of your lists will appear under "My Forums." Otherwise, you will need to log out and log in under your alternate email address(es) to view your respective lists.)

Public Lists

Archives and Archivists (A&A) List

The A&A List is an open forum for all topics relating to archival theory and practice. Please click here to view the list Terms of Participation and subscription instructions.

NOTE: As of September 2006, the Archives & Archivists List is hosted and managed by SAA. The list previously hosted by Miami University is no longer in service. To view the old list archives, please visit

SAA Roundtable Lists

SAA hosts official email discussion lists for all roundtables. Members and nonmembers alike may subscribe to an unlimited number of roundtable email lists. (Note: Subscription requires login. If you do not have an SAA profile, please see below for instructions.)

SAA Student Discussion List

SAA's Student Discussion List is open to members and non-members alike. Click here to subscribe. (Note: Subscription requires login. If you do not have an SAA profile, please see below for instructions.)

Private Lists

SAA Section Lists

SAA hosts an official email dicussion list for all sections. In accordance with SAA policy, only members are eligible to subscribe. Section lists have been specially configured as follows:

  1. Upon joining or renewing, section members are automatically subscribed to these lists in "NO MAIL" mode, meaning that normal, two-way discussions between section members are not delivered to subscriber by email. However, in NOMAIL mode:

    1. The member does retain access to the Web-based list forum and archives. (To visit those forums to which you have access, please click here.)

    2. The member will receive via email authorized one-way announcements from the section's leadership. This is an exception to the normal functionality of the NOMAIL subscriber mode.

  2. Section members have the option of modifying their subscription type to SINGLE or DIGEST mode to participate in two-way discussions between section members

SAA Board, Committee, Task Force, and Working Group Lists

SAA hosts official email dicussion lists for all boards, committees, task forces, and working groups. Access to these lists is restricted to group members.

SAA Fellows

SAA hosts an official email dicussion list for Distinguished Fellows. Access to this list is restricted to SAA Fellows.

How to Create an SAA Profile

If you do not have an SAA profile or if you are not sure, please click here.