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ACCSH 1994-5, Exh 16, Hazwoper Working Group Recommendations PDF Version

OSHA Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health

eLCOSH Editor's note:

The OSHA Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) was authorized in the 1969 Construction Safety Act (US Code Title 40§3704, to advise OSHA on matters related to construction safety and health. It consists of five public representatives (one is normally from a State OSHA program, one from NIOSH, etc.), five labor representatives (normally from various Building Trades Unions) and five management representatives (primarily from contractor trade associations). The ACCSH often sets up work groups, which are open to the public, to draft positions on various topics or issues. These positions are then often voted on by the full ACCSH and those recommendations referred to OSHA for their consideration. These work products represent a lot of effort and thought by many individuals. They are posted here to make that work more easily accessible. This historical archive many serve as a resource to future regulators and safety advocates, so they don’t have to start from scratch. OSHA has removed some of these documents from their website which makes access difficult.

To the best of our knowledge this is a complete archive of ACCSH working group reports and recommendations. If you are aware of others, please contact us. For the most recent or future meetings, you can find information at http://www.osha.gov/doc/accsh .


FROM: John B. Moran, Chair
SUBJECT: Work Group Report/Recommendations.
DATE: 8 December 1994

The HAZWOPER/Accreditation Work Group met on the afternoon of 8 December 1994, Members Webster and Moran were present in addition to ACCSH Members Rhoten, Osario and Paul.

Moran reviewed the activities of the companion Work Group of the previous ACCSH Committee and the recommendations, based upon the report of that Work Group, that were adopted by the committee and submitted to OSHA. OSHA's response to those recommendations were reviewed, to wit:

1. OSHA, after substantial delay, issued a non-mandatory appendix to 29 CFR 1910.120 as Appendix E.

2. OSHA placed issuance of the final 29 CFR 1910.121 Accreditation standard on the regulatory calendar for submission to the Assistant Secretary by September 1994. At the last meeting of the Committee, OSHA program staff indicated that this schedule had not been met and was delayed to the end of the calendar year.

3. OSHA placed issuance of a notice of proposed rulemaking covering emergency responders on the regulatory calendar for submission to the Assistant Secretary in September 1994. At the last meeting of the Committee, program staff indicated that this commitment was being re-considered and had, in essence, been removed from the regulatory calendar at that time.

The Work Group recommends that:

1. OSHA proceed with the prompt promulgation of the Accreditation Standard at 29 CFR 1910.121.

2. The Work Group conduct a public meeting for the purpose of gathering information from interested and effected parties with specific regard to their views and comments concerning a proposed standard for the accreditation of training programs for emergency/responders.

3. Based upon the public meeting, the Work Group prepare a comprehensive report for submission to the Committee.

OSHA Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH)

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