The Chronicle of Higher Education
Chronicle Careers

News & Advice by Date

First Person

Two Ph.D. candidates experience a brief and unexpected respite from the usual coldness and bad manners of the hiring process. (1/15/2009)

The Adjunct Track

When will we realize it's time to take advantage of the economic turmoil and restructure the faculty labor system? (1/14/2009)

Ms. Mentor

She thought her tormenters were gone forever, but now they may be coming back to town. (1/13/2009)

Career News

Academic expertise is no ticket to a federal job in Washington. But in an Obama administration, it can't hurt. (1/13/2009)

Academic Assets

Financial intelligence starts with taking advantage of your university's retirement match. (1/12/2009)

The Fund Raiser

It may sound counterintuitive, but now is the time to travel to your best donors and talk about their philanthropic goals. (1/9/2009)

First Person

For a new Ph.D. searching for her first job in her field, the line between the two can be blurry. (1/8/2009)

On Course

In a new book, an assistant professor of English finds radical new sources of inspiration for his discipline in K-12 classrooms. (1/7/2009)

Career News

So you don't have the perfect tenure-track position at the perfect college in the perfect town? Welcome to Earth. (1/7/2009)

Page Proof

How to avoid hurt feelings and battered relationships when friends turn to you for a close read. (1/6/2009)

Career News

Most colleges are enduring the recession without layoffs or across-the-board hiring freezes. But the pain is being felt on campuses in other ways, a new survey shows. (1/6/2009)

First Person

An Illinois liberal-arts college bucks the trend and goes on a hiring binge. (1/5/2009)

Academic Assets

It is particularly urgent now for academics to attend to their savings and spending. (12/19/2008)

First Person

A veteran academic offers advice on what to expect at conference interviews and how to conduct yourself. (12/18/2008)

Balancing Act

Female undergraduates and graduates students voted for Obama in great numbers. So what do they want from him now? (12/17/2008)

The Two-Year Track

Sometimes our own actions and attitudes unwittingly reinforce the negative stereotypes about community colleges. (12/16/2008)

Heads Up

E-mail has been around long enough that you'd think we would have learned how to handle it by now. (12/15/2008)

An Academic in America

The business culture that dominates today's museums has no room for the eccentricities of introverted curators. (12/12/2008)

The Adjunct Track

The predictable reaction to recent studies about part-time instructors is as insightful as the data. (12/11/2008)

First Person

A case of sexual harassment and mistaken identity in the digital age. (12/10/2008)

Moving Up

How the science of economics is instrumental in helping a president run his university. (12/9/2008)

Career Talk

Preparing to attend your first big academic convention? Here's what you need to consider. (12/8/2008)

First Person

The process of revising a grant proposal can help you turn piecemeal work into a coherent whole. (12/5/2008)

First Person

The choice between a job in industry or academic science would be easy if it really were a binary decision. (12/4/2008)

P&T Confidential

Praise in a letter of recommendation has more impact when it is honest, detailed, balanced, and on point. (12/3/2008)

On Message

No two controversies are the same, but some basic public-relations principles can help you handle the fallout. (12/2/2008)

Career News

The compensation-and-benefits packages paid to teaching and research assistants vary widely, according to a Chronicle survey. (12/2/2008)

Ms. Mentor

Should you wail to your colleagues, wait your turn, or find your own little piece of turf? (12/1/2008)

Moving Up

Five rules to help you as a midlevel administrator lead people over whom you have no real authority. (11/26/2008)

Career News

Most institutions, both private and public, seem to be faring relatively well, even as they and the students they serve are tightening their belts. (11/26/2008)

On Course

Do Web sites that format citations for students negate the need to teach them how to create a proper source list? (11/25/2008)

Career News

Computers may soon outsmart scholars. If they will out-teach them, too, what does that mean for colleges? (11/25/2008)

The Fund Raiser

After 18 years in campus development, a fund raiser tries out the consulting world. (11/24/2008)

Balancing Act

Oocyte cryopreservation is not the secret to professional success in academe. (11/21/2008)

First Person

An administrator in student services, and a new mother, seeks to move up the ranks. (11/20/2008)

First Person

The rigors of the professoriate begin to weigh heavily on three assistant professors who are no longer rookies. (11/19/2008)

Page Proof

What are the odds that you can pull together your previously published work into a collection? (11/18/2008)

Career News

The price of leadership continues to rise in higher education, particularly in terms of presidential pay at public universities. (11/18/2008)

The Two-Year Track

More advice for candidates on what hiring committees are searching for in a faculty member. (11/17/2008)

First Person

When you become a dean of students, be prepared for students and parents to view you as the problem and the solution. (11/14/2008)

First Person

The perfect job for a Ph.D. in earth sciences turns out to be not in higher education. (11/13/2008)

Career News<

Rarely do graduate students resort to violence on the campus. But colleges can act to minimize even that slight risk. (11/13/2008)

Heads Up

Treating staff members as fellow professionals means making sure they are full participants in department life. (11/12/2008)

Balancing Act

Every university has its own culture, and part of the tenure-track experience is figuring out what that culture values. (11/11/2008)

First Person

Fall means almost nonstop travel for people in admissions. In the face of exhaustion, it's easy to forget why the work matters. (11/10/2008)

An Academic in America

A look at whether student evaluations of teaching can be administered effectively via the Internet. (11/7/2008)

First Person

His tenure-track job is in the middle of nowhere, but he loves it anyway. So why is he going back on the market? (11/6/2008)

First Person

A political scientist shares the changes and continuities he found 20 years after his first teaching stint there. (11/5/2008)

First Person

The second in a series on what assistant professors want and need to be successful in academe. (11/4/2008)

First Person

A job candidate in English plans for jubilant success but prepares for complete and total rejection. (11/3/2008)

On Message

Many campus leaders consider themselves media-ready but those of us in PR know better. (10/31/2008)

P&T Confidential

In every job search, you run the risk that your candidacy could be derailed by a reference call. (10/30/2008)

Career News

At Rollins College, among other campuses, professors are paid to get away for overseas travel to enhance their teaching. (10/30/2008)

First Person

A job candidate tests her interview skills at her field's annual convention, and finds they're a little rusty. (10/29/2008)

Career News

A former community-college president talks about how to get the top job and succeed. (10/29/2008)

Ms. Mentor

Every department has its malcontents. Must you enlist? (10/28/2008)

Career News

Switching from a university to a community college helps a faculty member discover the purpose of postsecondary life. (10/28/2008)

First Person

An associate professor would be happy to have the federal government ease her financial crisis. (10/27/2008)


Two earth scientists share the lessons they learned doing fieldwork with their babies in tow. (10/24/2008)

First Person

An administrator who considered giving up his job finds the decision made for him. (10/23/2008)

Career News

Something is wrong with tenure, and we need to make it right. Abolishing it is not feasible, but there is another way to deal with the problem. (10/23/2008)

The Party Line

It's in that period just before the other shoe drops that a government-relations officer can be most effective. (10/22/2008)

Career News

A look at the academic job market for Ph.D.'s in selected disciplines reveals a lot of worries, but some pockets of hope. (10/22/2008)

Page Proof

What do you do when you're jilted by the person who best appreciated your work? For starters, don't take it personally. (10/21/2008)

Career News

Unless you can also put equity front and center in department meetings, faculty senates, budget allocations, and even mission statements. (10/21/2008)

Balancing Act

A true measure of gender equity in academe would look at both the career and family outcomes of female Ph.D.'s. (10/17/2008)

First Person

Two Ph.D. candidates in the humanities chronicle their search for their first tenure-track jobs. (10/16/2008)

Careers News

Joseph Hayse's legal quest has lasted longer than most people's careers in academe. (10/16/2008)

Heads Up

Too many academics have perfected the art of pouncing ruthlessly on a politically wounded colleague. (10/15/2008)

The Two-Year Track

Advice for candidates on what hiring committees are searching for in a faculty member. (10/14/2008)

Career News

Colleges have been building smart classrooms for years. Now some of those once-high-tech rooms are starting to show their age. (10/14/2008)

First Person

After a four-year hiatus from the classroom, a professor finds it both familiar and new again. (10/13/2008)

An Academic in America

Why are so many artists and writers preoccupied by the so-called demise of bookish culture? (10/10/2008)

First Person

Shouldn't seven years of graduate school have helped me avoid taking a job just to have a job? (10/9/2008)

First Person

Why would a newly tenured associate professor in the sciences decide to go on the job market? (10/8/2008)

Heads Up

No matter how reluctantly you took the job, no one forced you to accept it. (10/7/2008)

A President's Fourth Year

After three years on the job, a president offers his top-10 list of dos and don'ts. (10/6/2008)

Moving Up

Too much transparency in the administrative search process leads to bad outcomes. (10/3/2008)

First Person

A job candidate in sociology whose research focuses on race finds that he's not what search committees were expecting. (10/2/2008)

Career Talk

Courts are tending to side with faculty members who seek unemployment payments when their contracts are terminated through no fault of their own. (10/2/2008)

First Person

An associate provost who resisted administrative jobs for years now seeks to move up the ranks. (10/1/2008)

Ms. Mentor

Something more may be at issue with a Ph.D. whose husband controls her career moves. (9/30/2008)

First Person

An assistant professor at a liberal-arts college prepares for a yearlong research leave. (9/29/2008)


It may pay off for you to explore a new means of securing money from the same federal agencies that are tightening grant budgets. (9/26/2008)

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up. (9/25/2008)

Career News

The last thing an author wants to hear is the sound of another scholar closing in on the same topic. (9/25/2008)

Beyond the Ivory Tower

It's easier for engineering Ph.D.'s to land that first nonacademic job than for humanists but they face the same challenges in the workplace. (9/24/2008)

On Course

A new Web site offers one of the most comprehensive classroom guides available online. (9/23/2008)

Career News

What ever happened to all those plans to hire more minority professors? (9/23/2008)

P&T Confidential

Here are some strategies to lessen the odds that your refusal will be taken as a personal affront. (9/22/2008)

First Person

The first in a series on what assistant professors want and need to be successful in academe. (9/19/2008)

First Person

How can a midcareer faculty member whose days are filled with administrative and service work find time for research? (9/18/2008)

Careers News

A new survey shows that women and members of minority groups take longer to earn their doctorates. (9/18/2008)

Heads Up

Here are ways to make "the toughest job in the university" a little easier. (9/17/2008)

Page Proof

The fearlessness and linguistic facility of a trio of provocative writers should serve as a role model for academics. (9/16/2008)

Career News

Pundits and professors wring their hands over the inadequacies of the so-called digital generation but not all young people are tech savvy. (9/16/2008)

First Person

Taking on extra jobs to make ends meet becomes something of an obsession for one doctoral candidate. (9/15/2008)

First Person

Too many campus administrators and professors fail to hold technology to academic standards of cost analysis and assessment. (9/12/2008)

The Two-Year Track

At many two-year colleges, moonlighting is a common practice, if not always an accepted one. (9/11/2008)

Careers News

Mentor programs in which experienced professors advise junior colleagues are on the rise. (9/11/2008)

First Person

A Ph.D. spends five days and a lot of money learning the rules of academic conferences. (9/10/2008)

Career News

The problem is receiving increasing attention on the Web, and top administrators are taking notice. (9/10/2008)

The Two-Year Track

A social scientist is reincarnated at a community college as the professor he always hoped to be. (9/9/2008)

First Person

A journal editor outlines the most common mistakes academics make in submitting their manuscripts. (9/8/2008)

An Academic in America

Exactly how should we teach the 'digital natives'? (9/5/2008)

First Person

Nothing stunts civility like graduate-student insecurities and competition. (9/4/2008)

Career News

Stanley Fish would like professors to impart knowledge without viewpoint. Even if that were possible, it would be undesirable. (9/4/2008)

First Person

On his first day on the job, an assistant professor is handed an unusual gift. (9/3/2008)

Career News

Academic freedom is a professional requirement, not a divine right. It should be advanced, and limited, accordingly, writes Stanley Fish. (9/3/2008)

Ms. Mentor

Should the departmental Dish Avenger keep tossing out communal mugs that faculty members refuse to clean? (9/2/2008)

On Course

Think about teaching as a set of strategies or techniques that we inherit and pass on to the next generation. (8/27/2008)

The Fund Raiser

At what point does a résumé become a tornado siren heralding the arrival of an ill wind? (8/26/2008)

First Person

Given a chance to explore an old passion, an assistant professor learns the rules and realities of a conference romance. (8/25/2008)

P&T Confidential

Our students aren't the only ones who could benefit from some time-management skills. (8/22/2008)

First Person

When his tenure-track search fell short, a Ph.D. faced a fundamental choice about dealing with the disappointment. (8/21/2008)

The Adjunct Track

Teaching part time sometimes makes a Ph.D. feel like a failure, but it also allows her life as a parent to work. (8/20/2008)

Heads Up

How can deans and chairs find appropriate ways to involve retired professors in the life of the college? (8/19/2008)

First Person

Accepting the possibility of tenure denial and dealing with the reality of it are two different things. (8/18/2008)

Moving Up

Following the 5 principles of external hiring can keep your search for a dean from getting derailed. (8/15/2008)

First Person

It's time to dispel the graduate-school myth that family time is wasted time. (8/14/2008)

Career Talk

A new edition of a popular handbook on the academic job search underscores how the hiring process has changed. (8/13/2008)

First Person

Going on the job market this fall? Tell us all about it. (8/13/2008)

Beyond the Ivory Tower

With her first novel out in September, a former academic answers questions about leaving academe to write fiction. (8/12/2008)

Career News

Administrators at public universities are devising new strategies to keep key faculty members in an era of increased poaching. (8/12/2008)

Page Proof

Don't know your French flaps from your headbands? Here's a guide to the arcane terminology of the book world. (8/11/2008)

First Person

Is it plagiarism when a colleague borrows your syllabus and then uses it in its entirety for his own course? (8/8/2008)

The Two-Year Track

Some regional accrediting agencies have relaxed their standards for faculty credentials at two-year colleges — or have they? (8/7/2008)

First Person

A Ph.D. in the sciences loses his complacency and rediscovers his confidence in his search for a tenure-track position. (8/6/2008)

Career News

The cultural bias against serious study of science and technology is rarely recognized as a reason for American students' poor performance. (8/6/2008)

The Fund Raiser

Why it's important for all fund-raising campaigns to follow the lead of the big ones and stress results, not need. (8/5/2008)

Career News

A report from the Mellon Foundation cites rough patches in scholarly presses' transition to online access. (8/5/2008)

First Person

A Ph.D. tries to reconcile the profession he glamorized as a child with the one he is living on the tenure track. (8/4/2008)

An Academic in America

A cartload of recent books suggests that it's time to reverse the customer-service mentality plaguing academe. (8/1/2008)

First Person

The economy can be a cruel mistress, particularly, it seems, to a performing artist. (7/31/2008)

Peer Review

An astronaut lands at Boise State University ... and other appointment news. (7/31/2008)

First Person

After 35 years of meetings and memos, an administrator mulls leaving the management track. (7/30/2008)

First Person

A moment of minor irritation at a student's dumb question can make for major aggravation. (7/29/2008)

Career News

Is a Darwinian approach the adaptation that will allow literary studies to survive? (7/29/2008)

First Person

A tenured professor accustomed to going about her own business finds herself suddenly responsible for others in a summer institute. (7/28/2008)

First Person

Sick of mediocre students and feeling stuck on the job, a professor turns to music to self-medicate. (7/25/2008)


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Previous articles
by topic | by date | by column
Landing your first job
On the tenure track
Mid-career and on
Administrative careers
Nonacademic careers for Ph.D.'s
Talk about your career