An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry 2000 PDF Version  

William Schriver
Construction Industry Research and Policy Center

This report covers only a portion of the deaths in the construction industry in 2000

This report is based upon OSHA-inspected fatal events in construction during calendar 2000. The data analyzed were provided by Dr. Joseph Dubois, Director, Office of Statistics, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. William R. Schriver, Ph.D., Director, Thomas E. Cressler II, M.S., Senior Associate Administrator and Gregory G. Zigulis, B.S.C.E., MBA, Associate Director, conducted the study and prepared this report; they alone are responsible for all interpretations, conclusions and any errors found in the report.

Table of Contents


    I. Introduction
    II. Data
    III. Analysis
List of Tables in Text
    Table I. Construction Fatality Event Causes, 2000
    Table II. A Comparison of Ranks of Causes of Fatal Events in 1991 - 1999 with 2000

Appendix A:
Appendix B:
    Table B1. State Plan Construction Fatality Event Causes,
    Table B2. Federal State Construction Fatality Event Causes, 2000
Appendix C:
    Figure C1. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (1991 - 99 and 2000)
    Figure C2. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (2000)
    Figure C3. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (1991-99)
    Figure C4. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (1991-99 and 2000)
Appendix D:
    Table D1. Construction Fatal Events by End-Use Type, 2000
    Table D2. Construction Fatal Events by Type of Project, 2000
    Table D3. Construction Fatal Events by Four-Digit SIC, 2000
    Table D4. Construction Fatal Events by Project Value, 2000
    Table D5. Construction Fatal Events by Construction Operation, 2000
I. Introduction

This paper reports on the causes of fatal events in the construction industry which occurred in calendar year 2000. Seven earlier studies1 by the Construction Industry Research and Policy Center (CIRPC) analyzed the causes of fatal events in this industry in 1991-1992, 1993-1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999.

II. Data

The data analyzed in this report, provided by OSHA from Form 170's, consist of narrative descriptions of the 637 fatal events inspected by OSHA resulting from accidents which occurred in construction during calendar year 2000. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 provides States with the option of administrating the Act themselves or accepting Federal administration of the Act. Twenty-nine States and the District of Columbia chose administration under the Federal System, and the remaining 21 States and two Territories chose self-administration under State Plans.2

In this report as in earlier reports, analysis includes all OSHA-inspected fatal construction accidents regardless of Federal or State administration. However, Appendix B does include separate tables showing the frequency of accident causes separately for both groups.

Also, as in the earlier studies, non-accidental fatalities on construction sites or contractor yards (such as deaths from non-work related heart attacks, strokes, seizures, etc.) and fatalities of construction workers killed off-site in traffic accidents were excluded from the analysis; these fatalities accounted for about 3 percent of OSHA-inspected fatal construction events in 1991-1999 and 4.2 percent in 2000. Although the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employers to report fatalities to OSHA within eight hours of the occurrence of the event, all fatalities on construction sites are not inspected by OSHA; for example, OSHA does not inspect fatal construction events involving independent contractors with no employees. Therefore, the results reported upon here do not provide a year-to-year analysis of changes in the absolute number of fatal events or individuals killed on construction sites.

Each narrative record typically consists of a brief description of the event leading to the fatality, although this is not always the case. Where the narrative description was omitted, inconclusive or completely unclear the event cause was coded "unknown cause or other"; otherwise each narrative was analyzed and classified into one of 32 cause categories, although a great deal of collective judgment was often required to classify the cause of many of the accidents.

This report also includes the following classification of each fatal event according to coding by the OSHA compliance officer who investigated the accident: (1) type of construction (new or addition, alteration or rehabilitation, maintenance or repair, demolition, other) (2) estimate of total project value (seven dollar-value categories beginning with "under $50,000" and ending with "$20,000,000 and over") (3) 17 end-use categories, such as "single-family housing," "multi-family building," "commercial building," "street or highway," etc. (4) the construction operation being performed that caused the fatal event (selected from a list of construction operations such as "backfilling and compacting," "cutting concrete pavement," "erecting structural steel," "installing equipment (HVAC and other," etc.)

However, CIRPC's review of over 1200 case files of fatal construction events occurring in 1997, 1998 and 1999 revealed that coded data for an event were sometimes internally inconsistent or did not comport with corresponding narrative descriptions. Consequently, the data analyzed in this report are restricted to the direct causes of the fatal events where the authors were able, in most cases, to classify the events with relative certainty according to 29 types of causes, essentially the same types as were used in CIRPC's previous fatality studies. However, coded data are included in Appendix D for the following: (1) end-use of structure (2) type of construction (3) construction operation associated with the fatality (4) contract value of the construction project (5) occupation of the victim(s)

In classifying the events a rule of primacy was followed for multiple-cause fatalities (representing less than 1 percent of the fatality events in this study and the earlier studies cited): the first cause in the chain of causes was recorded as the cause of the fatal event. Definitions of the causes are shown in Appendix A.

III. Analysis

A. Distribution of Fatal Events by Cause

Table 1 shows the cause classification system, the number of times each cause represented a fatal event in 2000, the relative frequency of each cause and the number of victims killed.3 It can be seen that "fall from/through roof" led all other causes in number of fatal events (75 or 11.8 percent of total fatal events), followed by "fall from/through structure" (57 or 8.9 percent). The third leading cause was "electric shock by equipment contacting power source" (39 or 6.1 percent); the fourth leading cause was "crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating construction equipment" (37 or 5.8 percent); tying for the fourth "lifting operation" (37 or 5.8 percent); the fifth leading cause was "trench collapse" (36 or 5.7 percent); and the sixth leading cause was "electric shock from equipment installation/tool use" (35 or 5.5 percent). The number and relative frequencies of the remaining causes of the 637 fatal events analyzed may be read directly from Table 1. (Comparative frequencies for earlier years are shown in Figures C1 through C4 in Appendix C.)

Table 1. Construction Fatality Event Causes, 2000
Event Causes Description Events Victims Percent of Events
1 asphyxiation/inhalation of toxic vapor 5 7 0.8
2 caught in stationary equipment 7 7 1.1
3 collapse of structure 26 30 4.1
4 crushed/run-over of non-operator by operating construction equipment 33 34 5.2
5 crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating construction equipment 37 37 5.8
6 crushed/run-over by construction equipment during maintenance/modification 14 14 2.2
7 crushed/run-over by highway vehicle 24 27 3.8
8 drown, non-lethal fall, electric shock by touching exposed wire 5 5 0.8
9 electric shock by touching exposed wire 20 21 3.1
10 electric shock by equipment contacting power source 39 43 6.1
    Event Percent
a ladder 8 1.3
b scaffold 2 0.3
c crane/lifting equipment/boom/dump truck 18 2.8
d contact while handling materials such as gutters, iron rods, etc 11 1.7
11 electric shock from equipment installation/tool use 35 35 5.5
12 electric shock, other 0 0 0
13 elevator (struck/crushed by elevator or counter weights) 2 2 0.3
14 fall from/with ladder: includes collapse/fall of ladder 26 26 4.1
15 fall from/through roof 75 75 11.8
16 fall from highway vehicle/construction equipment 12 12 1.9
17 fall from/with scaffold 30 30 4.7
18 fall from/with bucket (aerial lift/basket) 13 13 2.0
19 fall from/with structure (other than roof) 57 57 8.9
20 fall from/with platform or catwalk 12 14 1.9
21 fall through opening (other than roof) 18 18 2.8
22 fall, other 0 0 0.0
23 fire/explosion/scalding 14 15 2.2
24 hyperthermia/hypothermia 4 4 0.6
25 lifting operation 37 37 5.8
26 struck by falling object/projectile (including tip-overs) 25 25 3.9
27 trench collapse 36 43 5.7
28 unloading-loading equipment/material (except by crane) 18 18 2.8
29 other: 13 14 2.0
    Event Percent
a lightning 0 0.0
b crushed 5 0.8
c unknown cause or other 8 1.3
Total   637 663 100.0

The number of victims killed by each cause is also shown in Table 1 where it can be seen that in most events only one worker was killed per event. There were 16 fatality causes where no event had multiple fatalities; only 10 fatality causes included events with multiple fatalities. "Asphyxiation / inhalation of toxic vapors" was the fatality cause which had the most victims killed per event, i.e., 5 events and 7 victims or 1.4 victims per event.

Table 2 shows a comparison of the ranks of the causes in 2000 with the average rank of the causes of fatal events during the period 1991 - 1999. It can be seen that the overall rank pattern of the causes in 2000 is very similar to the rank pattern in 1991 - 1999. An overall statistical comparison of the correlation of the rank in 2000 with the average rank in1991-1999 was calculated using a Spearman rank correlation procedure.4 The correlation obtained was + .94, p < .0001, indicating that the ranks of the causes in the two time periods are highly and positively correlated, i.e., did not change significantly between 1991 - 1999 and 2000. Since averaging the 1991 - 1999 ranks removed inter-year variance, a somewhat lower correlation would be expected between 1999 and 2000 ranks of causes, i.e., a measure of the short-term cycle as opposed to a longer-term trend. The Spearman rank-order correlation between 1999 and 2000 causes was calculated and found to be insignificantly lower, + .92, p <.0001, indicating that the 1991-1998 pattern changed very little between 1999 and 2000.

Table 2. Comparison of Ranks of Causes of Fatal Events in 1991 - 1999 with 2000
1991 - 1999 Average
1 6.3 1.1 22 5 0.8 24
2 5.8 1.0 25 7 1.1 23
3 26.3 4.4 8 26 4.1 10
4 47.9 7.9 3 33 5.2 8
5 32.1 5.3 6 37 5.8 4
6 12.2 2.0 19 14 2.2 17
7 24.7 4.1 11 24 3.8 13
8 6.0 1.0 23 5 0.8 24
9 25.7 4.3 9 20 3.1 14
10 48.2 8.0 2 39 6.1 3
11 25.0 4.1 10 35 5.5 7
12 5.9 1.0 24 0 0.0 28
13 24.0 0.4 29 2 0.3 27
14 23.1 3.8 12 26 4.1 10
15 67.2 11.2 1 75 11.8 1
16 4.7 0.8 26 12 1.9 21
17 19.2 3.2 14 30 4.7 9
18 11.8 2.0 20 13 2.0 19
19 46.0 7.6 4 57 8.9 2
20 15.4 2.6 16 12 1.9 21
21 15.1 2.5 17 18 2.8 15
22 4.7 0.8 26 0 0.0 28
23 14.3 2.4 18 14 2.2 17
24 3.4 0.6 28 4 0.6 26
25 32.7 5.4 5 37 5.8 4
26 22.2 3.7 13 25 3.9 12
27 27.9 4.6 7 36 5.7 6
28 10.1 1.7 21 18 2.8 15
29 16.3 2.7 15 13 2.0 19
Total 603 100.0   637 100.0  

The correlation result is not surprising given that the general composition of construction output, and therefore the mix of construction operations required to produce the output, was probably very similar during the time periods examined. This interpretation implies that the rank of a cause is a function of the magnitude of exposure to the cause and/or the inherent danger associated with the cause.

While the number of OSHA-inspected fatal construction events caused by accidents have had an upward trend since 1991, employment in construction establishments has also increased.5 The trend of these fatal events per 100,000 construction establishment employees is as follows: 1991 - 1992: 13.1; 1993 - 1994: 11.8; 1995: 11.4; 1996: 10.5; 1997: 10.6, 1998: 10.4; 1999: 11.0; and 2000: 9.5.


Definitions of Fatality Causes

    1. asphyxiation/inhalation of toxic vapor: lack of oxygen and/or inhalation of toxic gas, (excluding asphyxiation resulting from fire/explosion).
    2. caught in stationary equipment: body or clothing caught pulling worker into equipment.
    3. collapse of structure: building or other structure falling on worker, not including falling ladder, scaffold, aerial lift/ basket, platform, with a structure, trench collapse, or wall (earthen) collapse.
    4. crushed/run-over of non-operator by operating construction equipment: non-operator run-over or crushed between equipment and ground or another object by an operator controlled piece of construction equipment.
    5. crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating construction equipment: includes rollover and catching of body in equipment or between equipment and ground or other object while operating the equipment.*
    6. crushed/run-over by construction equipment during maintenance/ modification: includes equipment/parts falling on worker while assembling or disassembling equipment.
    7. crushed/run-over by highway vehicle: any run-over by non-construction equipment, including trains.
    8. drown, non-lethal fall: non-lethal falls into water and flooding of container, trenches, etc.
    9. electrocution by touching exposed wire/source: body part contacting the wire/source except when installing equipment or using a tool.
    10. electrocution by equipment contacting wire

      a. ladder
      b. scaffold
      c. crane/lifting equipment/boom/dump truck:
      d. other: contact while handling materials, e g. gutters, iron rods, painting equipment, etc.

    11. electrocution from equipment installation/tool use: includes failure to de-energize equipment, inappropriate energizing, contacting energized part with tool or body, and inadequately grounded tools or exposed tool wires.
    12. electric shock, other and unknown cause
    13. elevator (struck/crushed by elevator or counter-weights):
    14. fall from/with ladder: includes collapse/fall of ladder.
    15. fall from roof; fall through roof: skylight or other opening.
    16. fall from vehicle (vehicle/construction equipment): falls from vehicle or equipment while in motion or at rest.
    17. fall from/with scaffold: includes collapse/fall of scaffold.
    18. fall from/with bucket (aerial lift/basket): includes collapse/fall of bucket.
    19. fall from/with structure (other than roof): fall through opening in the side or through the floor (not opening in the floor) and with the structure in a collapse.
    20. fall from/with platform or catwalk (attached to structure: includes collapse/fall of platform.
    21. fall through opening (other than roof): falls through stairwells, equipment openings, or other openings in a floor.
    22. fall, other
    23. fire/explosion/scalding, excluding electrical burns/explosions
    24. heat/hypothermia
    25. lifting operations: failure of equipment, inappropriate lifting, and all loading and unloading by crane operations except electrocution.
    26. struck by falling object/projectile (including tip-overs): does not include collapse of structure, trench, earthen wall, or lifting operations.
    27. trench collapse: includes earthen wall
    28. unloading-loading equipment/material (except by crane): includes slipping and tipping over of construction equipment/material while loading and unloading.
    29. other:

      a. lightning
      b. crushed
      c. unknown cause or other

Table B1. State Plan Construction Fatality Event Causes, 2000
Event Causes Description
Percent of Events
1 asphyxiation/inhalation of toxic vapor
5 1.5
2 caught in stationary equipment 2 2 1.0
3 collapse of structure 5 6 2.5
4 crushed/run-over of non-operator by operating construction equipment 12 12 6.0
5 crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating construction equipment 17 17 8.5
6 crushed/run-over by construction equipment during maintenance/modification 0 0 0.0
7 crushed/run-over by highway vehicle 2 2 1.0
8 drown, non-lethal fall 0 0 0.0
9 electric shock by touching exposed wire 8 9 4.0
10 electric shock by equipment contacting power source 19 21 9.5
a ladder
b scaffold
c crane/lifting equipment/boom/dump truck
d contact while handling materials such as gutters, iron rods, etc.
11 electric shock from equipment installation/tool use 12 12 6.0
12 electric shock, other 0 0 0.0
13 elevator (struck/crushed by elevator or counter weights) 0 0 0.0
14 fall from/with ladder: includes collapse/fall of ladder 9 9 4.5
15 fall from/through roof 26 26 13.1
16 fall from highway vehicle/construction equipment 4 4 2.0
17 fall from/with scaffold 12 12 6.0
18 fall from/with bucket (aerial lift/basket) 2 2 1.0
19 fall from/with structure (other than roof) 14 14 7.0
20 fall from/with platform or catwalk 2 2 1.0
21 fall through opening (other than roof) 5 5 2.5
22 fall, other 0 0 0.0
23 fire/explosion/scalding 5 6 2.5
24 hyperthermia/hypothermia 0 0 0.0
25 lifting operation 11 11 5.5
26 struck by falling object/projectile (including tip-overs) 6 6 3.0
27 trench collapse 15 16 7.5
28 unloading-loading equipment/material (except by crane) 6 6 3.0
29 other: 2 2 1.0
    Event Percent
a lightning 0 0.0
b crushed 2 1.0
c unknown cause of other 0 0.0
Total   199 207 100.0

Table B2. Federal State Construction Fatality Event Causes, 2000

Event Causes Description
Percent of Events
1 asphyxiation/inhalation of toxic vapor
2 0.5
2 caught in stationary equipment 5 5 1.1
3 collapse of structure 21 24 4.8
4 crushed/run-over of non-operator by operating construction equipment 21 22 4.8
5 crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating crushed/run-over/trapped of operator by operating construction equipment 20 20 4.6
6 crushed/run-over by construction equipment during maintenance/modification 14 14 3.2
7 crushed/run-over by highway vehicle 22 25 5.0
8 drown, non-lethal fall 5 5 1.1
9 electric shock by touching exposed wire 12 12 2.7
10 electric shock by equipment contacting power source 20 22 4.6
a ladder
b scaffold
c crane/lifting equipment/boom/dump truck
d contact while handling materials such as gutters, iron rods, etc.
11 electric shock from equipment installation/tool use 23 23 5.3
12 electric shock, other 0 0 0.0
13 elevator (struck/crushed by elevator or counter weights) 2 2 0.5
14 fall from/with ladder: includes collapse/fall of ladder 17 17 3.9
15 fall from/through roof 49 49 11.2
16 fall from highway vehicle/construction equipment 8 8 1.8
17 fall from/with scaffold 18 18 4.1
18 fall from/with bucket (aerial lift/basket) 11 11 2.5
19 fall from/with structure (other than roof) 43 43 9.8
20 fall from/with platform or catwalk 10 12 2.3
21 fall through opening (other than roof) 13 13 3.0
22 fall, other 0 0 0.0
23 fire/explosion/scalding 9 9 2.1
24 hyperthermia/hypothermia 4 4 0.9
25 lifting operation 26 26 5.9
26 struck by falling object/projectile (including tip-overs) 19 19 4.3
27 trench collapse 21 27 4.8
28 unloading-loading equipment/material (except by crane) 12 12 2.7
29 other: 11 12 2.5
    Event Percent
a lightning 0 0.0
b crushed 3 0.7
c unknown cause of other 8 1.8
Total   438 456 100.0


Figure C1. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (1991-99 and 2000)
Click here to see Figure C1

Figure C2. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (2000)
Click here to see Figure C2

Figure C3. Comparison of Fatality Events (1991-99)
Click here to see Figure C3

Figure C4. Comparison of Construction Fatality Events (1991-99 and 2000)
Click here to see Figure C4


Table D1. Construction Fatal Events by End-Use Type, 2000

Event Causes Description Number of Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
1 Single Family or Duplex Dwelling 109 17.14 17.14
2 Multi-Family Dwelling 42 6.60 23.74
3 Commercial Building 130 20.44 44.18
4 Other Building 150 23.58 67.77
5 Highway, Street, Bridge, and other Paving 105 16.51 84.28
6 Other Non-Building Construction 100 15.72 100.0
    636 100.0  

Table D2. Construction Fatal Events by Type of Project, 2000

Event Causes Description Number of Frequencies Percent Cumulative Frequency
1 New, Addition and Alteration Construction 465 73.46 73.46
2 Maintenance and Repair 99 15.64 89.10
3 Other 69 10.90 100.0
    633 100  

Table D3. Construction Fatal Events by Four-Digit SIC, 2000
Event Causes Description SIC Number of Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
1 General Contractors - Single Family Houses 1521 21 3.30 3.30
2 General Contractors - Residential Buildings Other than Single Family 1522 7 1.10 4.40
3 Operative Builders - Single Family Housing, Multi- family Housing, Manufacturing, Light Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Buildings 1531 2 0.31 4.71
4 General Contractors - Industrial Building and Warehouses 1541 15 2.35 7.06
5 General Contractors - Non-residential Buildings, other than Industrial and Warehouse 1542 37 5.81 12.87
6 Highway and Street Construction, Except Elevated Highways 1611 39 6.12 19.00
7 Bridge, Tunnel, and Elevated Highway Construction 1622 22 3.45 22.45
8 Water, Sewer, Pipeline, and Communications and Power Line Construction 1623 58 9.11 31.55
9 Heavy Construction, Not Elsewhere Classified 1629 33 5.18 36.73
10 Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning 1711 33 5.18 41.92
11 Painting and Paper Hanging 1721 21 3.30 45.21
12 Electrical Work 1731 51 8.01 53.22
13 Masonry, Stone Setting, and Other Stone Work 1741 22 3.45 56.67
14 Plastering, Drywall, Acoustical, and Insulation Work 1742 16 2.51 59.18
15 Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, and Mosaic Work 1743 2 0.31 59.50
16 Carpentry Work 1751 31 4.87 64.36
17 Flooring and Other Floor Work Not Elsewhere Classified 1752 3 0.47 64.48
18 Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work 1761 66 10.36 75.20
19 Concrete Work 1771 17 2.67 77.86
20 Water Well Drilling 1781 2 0.31 78.18
21 Structural Steel Erection 1791 35 5.49 83.67
22 Glass and Glazing Work 1793 5 0.78 84.46
23 Excavation Work 1794 29 4.55 89.01
24 Wrecking and Demolition Work 1795 15 2.35 91.37
25 Installation or Erection of Building Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified 1796 11 1.73 93.09
26 Special Trade Contractors, Not Elsewhere Classified 1799 40 6.28 99.37
27 Non-Construction Coded   4 0.63 100.00
      637 100.0  

Table D4. construction Fatal Events by Project Value, 2000
Event Casues Description Number of Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
1 Under 50,000 177 28.01 28.01
2 50,000-250,000 131 20.73 48.73
3 250,000-500,000 68 10.76 59.49
4 500,000-1,000,000 81 12.82 72.31
5 1,000,000-5,000,000 85 13.45 85.76
6 5,000,000-20,000,000 44 6.96 92.72
7 20,000,000 and over 46 7.28 100.0
    632 100.0  

Table D5. Construction Fatal Events by Construction Operation, 2000
Code Description Frequency Percent of Events
01 Backfilling and compacting 20 3.14%
02 Bituminous concrete placement 2 0.31%
03 Construction of playing fields, tennis courts 0 0.00%
04 Cutting concrete pavement 4 0.63%
05 Demolition 24 3.77%
06 Dredging 2 0.31%
07 Elevator, escalator installation 3 0.47%
08 Emplacing reinforcing steel 4 0.63%
09 Erecting structural steel 30 4.71%
10 Erection of coffer dams, caissons 2 0.31%
11 Excavation 35 5.49%
12 Exterior masonry 19 2.98%
13 Exterior cladding 2 0.31%
14 Exterior carpentry 26 4.08%
15 Exterior painting 15 2.35%
16 Fencing, installing lights, signs, etc. 14 2.20%
17 Fireproofing 2 0.31%
18 Forming 7 1.10%
19 Forming for piers or pylons 2 0.31%
20 Installing interior walls, ceilings, doors 13 2.04%
21 Installing metal siding 2 0.31%
22 Installing windows and doors, glazing 2 0.31%
23 Installing culverts and incidental drainage 4 0.63%
24 Installing equipment (HVAC and other) 41 6.44%
25 Installing plumbing, lighting fixtures 13 2.04%
26 Installing underground plumbing conduit 8 1.26%
27 Interior tile work (ceramic, vinyl, acoustic) 1 0.16%
28 Interior masonry 2 0.31%
29 Interior plumbing, ducting, electrical work 10 1.57%
30 Interior carpentry 17 2.67%
31 Interior painting and decorating 7 1.10%
32 Landscaping 9 1.41%
33 Loading dock forming and pouring 1 0.16%
34 Paving 20 3.14%
35 Pile driving 1 0.16%
36 Placing bridge deck 1 0.16%
37 Placing bridge girders and beams 7 1.10%
38 Plastering 1 0.16%
39 Pouring or installing floor decks 2 0.31%
40 Pouring concrete floor at grade 0 0.00%
41 Pouring concrete for piers, and pylons 1 0.16%
42 Pouring concrete foundations and walls 1 0.16%
43 Roofing 61 9.58%
44 Seawall construction, riprap placement 0 0.00%
45 Site clearing and grubbing 11 1.73%
46 Site grading and rock removal 16 2.51%
47 Stripping and curing concrete 4 0.63%
48 Surveying 1 0.16%
49 Swimming pool construction 0 0.00%
50 Temporary work (buildings, facilities) 18 2.83%
51 Traffic protection 4 0.63%
52 Trenching, installing pipe 24 3.77%
53 Waterproofing 3 0.47%
54 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Connecting 5 0.78%
55 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Bolting-Up/Detail Work 2 0.31%
56 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Welding/Burning/Grinding 0 0.00%
57 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Plumbing-Up 0 0.00%
58 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Moving Point To Point 1 0.16%
59 Steel Erection Of Solid Web-Landing Materials (Hoisting) 4 0.63%
60 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists-Connecting 1 0.16%
61 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists-Bolting- Up/Detail Work 1 0.16%
62 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists- Welding/Burning/Grinding 1 0.16%
63 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists-Plumbing-Up 0 0.00%
64 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists-Moving Point To Point 0 0.00%
65 Steel Erection Of Open Web Steel Joists-Landing Materials (Hoisting) 1 0.16%
66 Installation Of Decking-Initial Laying Deck (Incl Layout & Safety) 10 1.57%
67 Installation Of Decking-Final Attachment Deck (Welding/Shear Studs/Etc 1 0.16%
68 Installation Of Decking-Flashing Of Decking 1 0.16%
69 Installation Of Decking-Hoisting Bundles 2 0.31%
70 Other Activities-Installing Ornamental And Architectural Steel 12 1.88%
71 Other Activities-Post Decking Detail Work 10 1.57%
00 Unknown 66 10.36%
    637 100.0%

1 An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1991-1992 (1993), An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1993-1994 (1995), An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1995 (1996), An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1996 (1997), An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1997 (1999), An Analysis of Fatal Events in the Construction Industry, 1998 (2000), and An Analysis of Fatal Events in Construction, 1999 (2001), Construction Industry Research and Policy Center , University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

2 States in the Federal System are: AL, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, KS, LA, ME, MA, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TX, WV and WI. States and Territories under State Plans are: AK, AZ, CA, HI, IN, IA, KY, MD, MI, MN, NV, NM, NC, OR, PR, SC, TN, UT, VT, VI, VA, WA and WY.

3 Each event included at least one person killed and in several events additional workers were injured.

4 Sydney Siegel, Nonparametic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 956), p. 219.

5 Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Employment, Hours, and Earnings.

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