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!! NEW !! Click here for proceedings and photos from the On-Farm Exchange for Experienced Organic Farmers held at the 2007 SSAWG Annual Conference"

About Experienced Organic Farmer Network

In 2002, partnering with USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA), Southern SAWG organized an Experienced Organic Farmer (EOF) Network to develop and compile successful organic production in the South strategies based on practical experience and make this information available to you.

This was an 18 month pilot project made up of ten full-time, commercial-scale producers of horticulture crops who have practical experience that surpasses any information available to them through traditional learning avenues. The EOF Network participants were Mark Cain (AR), Ken Dawson (NC), Nicolas Donck (GA), Alvin Harris (TN), Cathy Jones (NC), Rose Koenig (FL), Charlie Maloney (VA), Tim Miller (TX), Ellen Polishuk (VA), and Alison and Paul Wiediger (KY).

Generally underserved by institutions and agencies because of their unique production and marketing systems, these long-term organic producers have had to learn on their own almost every step of the way. Yet, as pioneers, they have also become the ones most sought out by other farmers and ag information providers for reliable organic farming information.

Using email and other internet services, the producers in the EOF Network exchanged information and learned from each other new practices and strategies to improve their operations, while project coordinators collected the information to share with others. A substantial amount of valuable and comprehensive information was exchanged and compiled through the 18-month period of the project (Oct 02 - March 04) in farm profles, farm photos, electronic discussions, and in-depth videos of two EOF Network farms. 

Utilizing information gained through this project, EOF Network producers were able to incorporate into their own farming operations new varieties, new crops, new equipment, new practices and new marketing strategies with much lower risk and a shorter learning curve than when farming in isolation using the standard trial and error approach.

Now you can to learn from these most experienced organic producers. The information accumulated through this pilot project is now available to you through the following links:

Farm Profiles of each of the 10 farms participating in the EOF Network. 

Photos from each of the 10 farms participating in the EOF Network. 

Summary of the EOF Network discussions. 

Virtual Farm Tour of Au Naturel Farm and link to video teaching guide

Virtual Farm Tour of Maple Springs Gardens and link to video teaching guide

For more information about the Experience Organic Farmer Network, contact Jean Mills at jean@ssawg.org



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