Useful Links

Baystate Organic Certifiers

Baystate Organic Certifiers : is a USDA National Organic Program accredited certifying agent that certifies farm operations in the Northeast United States, and processing operations anywhere in the continental United States. We will certify Growers and Livestock Producers in the following Northeast states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York and New Jersey.

The E. F. Schumacher Society Logo

The E. F. Schumacher Society: The E. F. Schumacher Society, named after the author of Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, is an educational non-profit organization founded in 1980. Their programs demonstrate that both social and environmental sustainability can be achieved by applying the values of human-scale communities and respect for the natural environment to economic issues. Building on a rich tradition often known as decentralism, the Society initiates practical measures that lead to community revitalization and further the transition toward an economically and ecologically sustainable society.

The Farm School Logo

The Farm School: The Farm School is a non-profit educational farm in Western Massachusetts. Their goal is to promote farming - and the teaching of farming - through educational programs for school children and through a year-long practical training program for adults.

The FoodRoutes Network Logo

FoodRoutes Network: The FoodRoutes Network is a national nonprofit organization that provides communications tools, technical support, networking and information resources to organizations nationwide that are working to rebuild local, community-based food systems. FRN is dedicated to reintroducing Americans to their food – the seeds it grows from, the farmers who produce it, and the routes that carry it from the fields to their tables. FRN works in partnership with community-based organizations across the country to help these groups increase their capacity to design, launch, and implement successful "buy local" food campaigns and market education initiatives.

The Food and Society Logo

Food and Society is a Food Systems and Rural Development initiative of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Food and Society Initiative is based on a vision of a future food system that provides for all segments of society a safe and nutritious food supply grown in a manner that protects health and the environment and adds economic and social value to rural and urban communities.

The Genetic Engineering Action Network Logo

Genetic Engineering Action Network: The Genetic Engineering Action Network (GEAN) is a diverse network of grassroots activists, national and community non-governmental organizations (NGOs), farmer and farm advocacy groups, academics and scientists who have come together to work on the myriad of issues surrounding biotechnology.

Growing New Farmers Logo

Growing New Farmers: The Growing New Farmers (GNF) Project is a regional initiative to provide future generations of Northeast farmers with the support and expertise they need to succeed. GNF brings together service providers from across the Northeast who are committed to working with and advocating for new and beginning farmers from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia.

The LocalHarvest Logo

LocalHarvest: LocalHarvest was founded in 1998, and is now the number one informational resource for the Buy Local movement and the top place on the Internet where people find information on direct marketing family farms. LocalHarvest maintains a definitive and reliable "living" public nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources. Our search engine, built entirely over Open Source software components, helps people find local sources of sustainably grown food, and encourages them to establish direct contact with family farms in their local area.

The National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture Logo

National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture: The National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture is a network of diverse groups whose mission is to shape national policies to foster a sustainable food and agricultural system - one that is economically viable, environmentally sound, socially just, and humane. The goals of the National Campaign are to foster understanding, communication, and leadership development; engage in policy analysis and development; and work together to advance common policy objectives.

The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Logo

SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education): SARE is a USDA competitive grants program. SARE has regional programs and regional leadership, and supports research and education that helps build the future economic viability of agriculture in the United States. SARE funding is authorized under Subtitle B of Title XVI of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990.

The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Logo

Institute for Responsible Technology’s: Campaign for Healthier Eating in America mobilizes citizens, organizations, businesses, and the media, to achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically modified foods.
The Institute educates people about the documented health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and provides them with healthier non-GMO choices.

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This page was last modified on November 11, 2008 at 9:13:57 AM.