phpMyVisites : Open source aplikacija za statistiku izrađena u PHP/MySQL tehnologiji, distribuirano pod GPL.

Whatever you need, free counter, web counter ? Try Web site statistics ! It's FREE :-)

Nemojte se ustručavati pogledati zahvalnu stranicu na službenim stranicama, za celi popis prijatelja phpMyVisites-a.

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Veliko hvala svima koji su podelili svoje znanje dok su doprineli prevodu phpMyVisites-a:

Autor, dokumentator i kreator projekta phpMyVisites je Matthieu Aubry (blog).

Statistics consist of seven parts : Posete, Ucitane stranice, Put surfovanja, Izvor, Postavke, Izvestaji, Summary, available for the period Dan, Nedelja, Mesec, Year

phpMyVisites can for example gives these informations : Statistika, Posete, Jedinstvene posete, Učitanih stranica, Stranica po posetiocu, Pages per visit, Pages per significant visit, Prosek boravka posetioca na sajtu, Prosek trajanja učitane stranice, Pregled za odabrani period, Average visits per day

phpMyVisites has a powerful administration tool. For example you can :

(Text in Serbian provided by Nebojsa Damnjanovic)

Thanks to, they have chosen phpMyVisites for their web analytics


phpMyVisites | Open source aplikacija za statistiku izrađena u PHP/MySQL tehnologiji i distribuirana pod Gnu GPL.

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See statistics (if they are not protected by phpMyVisites administrator) for ; you can also try Internet Statistics

[ Today's date is Sat, 17 Jan 2009 08:51:42 -0600 ]