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Virtual Farm Tours

Southern SAWG's video series titled Natural Farming Systems in the South provides an easy, economical way to take a virtual tour of some highly successful farming operations in the region.  Compiled in partnership with the USDA's Risk Management Agency, these broadcast-quality videos focus on featured farmers who relate in detailed, plain-spoken terms the whole farming system and each component unique to their particular operation. 

Videos in the series include:

    * two small-scale organic vegetable farms
    * a farm practicing management intensive grazing of beef cattle
    * a pastured turkey operation
    * a fresh cut flower production and marketing farm
    * a family farm involved in meat goat production
    * pastured broiler production on a limited budget
    * artisan cheese production and marketing

    * pasture-based dairy farming - our latest video, released in November 2007 

These broadcast-quality videos in VHS or DVD can be purchased for $15.00 by clicking  here.

View Video Clips using Quicktime Player or Real Media Player.

Get free QuickTime player    or    Get free RealPlayer.

Estimated download times and download recommendations:

Real Media Small Screen, 10-20 min. PC with dial-up

Real Media Large Screen, 2-3 min. PC with broadband

Quicktime Small Screen, 8-15 min. MAC with dial-up

Quicktime Large Screen, 1-2 min. MAC with broadband

Video #1: Organic Horticulture & Marketing

This 18 minute video demonstrates the successful farming system Ken Dawson has developed in North Carolina. It provides a general overview of the farming system and highlights two key components: plasticulture and hired labor. This video has already won two prestigious national video awards. It won first place in the Media Communication Association International Golden Reel competition and, from over 10,000 entries, this video placed second in the Telly Awards.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.2 Mb)       Real Media Large (16.2 Mb)
Quick Time Small (3.4 Mb)       Quick Time Large (16.1 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for Organic Horticulture Production #1.

The Maple Springs Gardens farm profile provides basic background information, such as how Ken got started, as well as primary information about the farm, such as acreage in production, number of years using practices, equipment, facilities, and markets. 

Click here to see photos from the Maple Springs Gardens.  These photos provide a snapshot of the 2003 growing season and highlight some of the farms' unique crops, practices, or equipment.

Organic Horticulture Production Enterprise Resource List.  This electronic folder contains links to a select group of easy to download information packets on organic horticulture production and marketing, along with referrals to funding opportunities and related web sites and periodicals to assist producers.

Video #2: Organic Horticulture & Marketing

This 18 minute video demonstrates the successful farming system Paul and Alison Wiediger have developed in Kentucky. It provides a general overview of the farming system and highlights two key components: high tunnel or hoophouse production and electronic communication to market their products. 

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (2.3 Mb)        Real Media Large (5.9 Mb)
Quick Time Small (2.6 Mb)        Quick Time Large (11.9 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for Organic Horticulture Production #2.

The Au Naturel Farm profile provides basic background information, such as how the Wiedigers got started, as well as primary information about the farm, such as acreage in production, number of years using practices, equipment, facilities, and markets.

Click here to see photos from the Wiediger's farm.  These photos provide a snapshot of the 2003 growing season and highlight some of the farm's unique crops, practices, or equipment.

Click here to open the Organic Horticulture Production Enterprise Resource List. This electronic folder contains links to a select group of easy to download information packets on organic horticulture production and marketing, along with referrals to funding opportunities and related web sites and periodicals to assist producers.

Video #3: Management Intensive Grazing

In this video, ranchers LeVonna and Tony Uekman give viewers a guided tour of their 80-acre farm at Quitman, Arkansas, where they run stocker cattle. Technical topics, such as special fencing and watering systems, are comprehensively discussed as the veteran MIG producers show step-by-step the process they followed in creating a highly successful beef production operation using MIG principals.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.9 Mb)          Real Media Large (19.1 Mb
Quick Time Small (4.5 Mb)          Quick Time Large (18.2 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for Management Intensive Grazing

This profile describes how the Tony & LeVonna Uekman and their son, Trey, use management intensive grazing to increase profits on their stocker cattle operation, improve the environment of their farm and enhance their own quality of life.

Management Intensive Grazing Enterprise Resource List.  This electronic folder contains links to a select group of easy to download information packets on management intensive grazing and sustainable livestock production, along with referrals to helpful web sites and periodicals.

Video #4: Pastured Turkey Production

This video featuring poultry producer Mike Walters of Stilwell, Oklahoma, covers a gamut of topics including hatching and raising birds on pasture, managing pastures and related facilities for peak production, and marketing the final product.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.2 Mb)           Real Media Large (16.2 Mb)

Quick Time Small (3.2 Mb)          Quick Time Large (17.2 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for the Pastured Turkey video.

Beginning commercial production in 1995, Mike Walters of Mike Walters Hatchery has become one of the leading growers and marketers of heritage turkeys and processed products in America. The profile describes his successful production and marketing systems.

View a list of processors that can process pastured turkeys by clicking here.

Video #5: Cut Flowers

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.1 Mb)          Real Media Large (15.5 Mb)
Quick Time Small (3.6 Mb)          Quick Time Large (15.1 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for the Cut Flower video.  The guide features additional details on processes, equipment, and other aspects of Dripping Springs Gardens.

View the farm profile for Mark Cain and Michael Crane, of Dripping Springs Garden in Huntsville, Arkansas.  Their five-acre organic flower, vegetable and fruit farm is featured in the cut flower video and Enterprise Manual.

Also featured is Vicki Stambeck's Bear Creek Farms in Stillwater, Oklahoma, which produces thirteen acres of greenhouse and field grown specialty cut flowers and ornamentals for sale at regional florists.

Cut Flower Enterprise Manual This document contains valuable information developed exclusively for Southern SAWG, plus links to selected information on specialty cut flower production and marketing.

Video #6: Pastured Meat Goat Production

This video illustrates the story of Bill Legg's pastured meat goat operation, within the setting of his diverse Tennessee farm.  The practical information includes goat breeds and breeding tips, pasture management, pest control, marketing, and more - as told by the farmer.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.0 Mb)          Real Media Large (14.8 Mb)
Quick Time Small (3.0 Mb)          Quick Time Large (14.4 Mb)

With over 30 years of farming experience and 12 years in meat goat production, the story of Ben Anthony's Arkansas farm provides valuable insight into raising goats on a diversified operation that also includes a variety of vegetables plus beef cattle and hogs.

Neil Hoffman's Farm in Kentucky focuses on meat goats on 14 acres, plus 8 additional acres for mixed vegetable production.  This profile offers a range of information from production to marketing.

Legg Land and Livestock operated by Bill Legg together with his wife Peggy and his father in Tennessee is the subject of Southern SAWG's Meat Goat video. The farm profile features even more details on Legg's operation.

Meat Goat Enterprise Resource List Selected information on meat goat production and links organizations, web based information, and other online production and marketing resources are included in this resource listing.

Video #7: Pastured Broilers on a Limited Budget

This video provides insight into all aspects of Beth Tillery's diverse and sustainable operation in Mckee, KY, from buying chicks to processing and marketing. Beth shares her tips on housing, feeding and watering, and pasture rotation with limited resources. She also explains how the poultry operation fits into the management and economics of a diversified farm that includes grass fed beef, dairy cows, specialty flowers, and fruits and vegetables.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.1 Mb)          Real Media Large (15.4 Mb)
Quick Time Small (3.5 Mb)          Quick Time Large (15.9 Mb)

Video Teaching Guide for pastured broiler production.

Beth Tillery's farm is featured in the broiler video, and is profiled in our farm stories section.  Click the link to read more details about her sustainable and successful operation.

Download the pastured poultry enterprise resource list here.

Video #8: Artisan Cheese Production and Marketing
This video featuring Jessica and Jeremy Little, owners of Sweet Grass Dairy, provides information about start-up and development of a handcrafted cheese enterprise.  It highlights the importance and value of milk production practices, use of refurbished and adapted equipment, and a diversified marketing strategy.  It provides an overview of everything from cheese making regulations and techniques to financial accounting and business management.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.1 Mb)          Real Media Large (15.4 Mb)
Quick Time Small (3.5 Mb)          Quick Time Large (15.9 Mb)

Video #9: Pasture-Based Dairy Farming
Blair and Kim Sanders, owners of Black Hollow Dairy near Dublin, VA,decided about 7 years ago to switch from a conventional system to a pasture-based seasonal grazing system. In this video they share their knowledge and expertise on many aspects of their seasonal grazing system including calving, milking, feeding, breeding, fencing, pasture management, equipment, and recordkeeping. For the Sanders, the advantages of this type of operation far outweigh any challenges. They have been able to stay in business, be profitable, and enjoy a high quality of life.

To view a 2-minute clip, click on the player of your choice below:

Real Media Small (3.3 Mb)           Real Media Large (16.2 Mb) 
Quick Time Small (3.5 Mb)           Quick Time Large (16.3 Mb) 

Videos may be purchased in VHS or DVD for $15 each by clicking here.

To comment on these materials or for questions about this project, contact Jean Mills at jean@ssawg.org


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